Which 3ds Pokemon games deserve to be on the Nintendo Switch?

Which 3ds Pokemon games deserve to be on the Nintendo Switch?

Attached: 3ds pokemon games.png (956x450, 811.18K)


The only thing they deserve is to be put in the garbage

Sun and Moon, It was built beyond what the 3DS could handle and was clearly trying to be more ambitious than the ones before it
..But they couldn’t handle the Switch if SWSH is anything to go by, so maybe a Wii port is more Game Freak’s cup of tea

All of them, because they're garbage, just like the switch.

>portbegging, not even remake begging, for pokemon games
Switchfags hit a new low

None. SuMo are probably the closest to a decent game but I wouldn't want to touch those again either.

I don't know, I haven't played any of them.

None they are all trash. Put original gens 1-3 on the switch though

>not 4
found the homosexual