I’m at mana castle and I don’t know if I can continue on, Zig Forums does anyone actually like this game?

I’m at mana castle and I don’t know if I can continue on, Zig Forums does anyone actually like this game?

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Should have jumped straight into P2. They're a tad more accessible.

There are people that actually love this game, but it's usually due to either nostalgia or love for the aesthetic rather than love for the gameplay.

I love it, and I didn't play it until after playing p5 in 2018

OP here

I own all of them but after playing 3/4/5 and other SMT games I’m really torn on this one.

I will be playing innocent sin next and I cannot wait!

I honestly don't remember shit about the game but going by a guide you're like 2/3 done. Considering that it's a rather short JRPG with a playtime of 30-ish hours, you might as well just finish it for completion's sake.

tried it, hated it, watched the story parts on youtube

Reminder that Persona started with 3.

that final dungeon was cancer. couldn't beat the final boss so I gave up. didn't even watch the ending on youtube.

fuck the menus in this game, it takes an hour to perform any action in this game.