Cyberpunk 2077

What are the odds that this will just be another Outer Worlds?

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the only things I dislike are the protagonist being voiced and gutting the metro/train travel system after it's been marketed heavily


I don't think Cyberpunk will be a 10/10, hell, it's already a disappointment and it's not even out.
But there is no way it can be like Outer Worlds, it will at least have different factions and an open world.

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Mute protagonist fags are so obnoxious. I don't care how much you want to self insert or roleplay as a woman with a slutty voice, grow up.

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100%, they're both retard garbage

Don't care. I'm still buying Cyberpunk 2077.

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I don't I am going to pirate the game because I don't give my money to leftist cuck devs

its more that dialogue options are restricted when you have to pay a voice actor to read them all but keep making up scenarios in your head, schizoid.

you are aware that there are no right wing devs, correct?
source: 14+ years as a AAA dev

>another Outer Worlds?
Another what?

I haven't played Outer Worlds, explain what you mean by this

Don't care still playing CP2077

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This is another AAA gamer
AAA = left propaganda like last of us 2 and red fag redemtion and life is strange 2

ok bro

>that pic

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I have very little faith that Cyberpunk will be good. It’s a shooter made from a company that has struggle with basic gameplay. But I still think it will be better than Outer Worlds, that was just a tragic wreck of a game.

Boring shit. Also, you'd think female writers would write in smut, but no, couldn't even manage that. Only "asexual lesbians", because that's a real thing that exists, apparently.

Nobody asked you.

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I don't like seeming lack of full ghost gameplay, because Deus Ex, but fuck it, I don't believe they'll fuck it up that badly. Unless whores annd cucks dispose of every writer that isn't miserable all the time, in which case, welp. No gameplay will save the game then.

>A company that basically made a mod to fallout and strayed wildly from what made that popular and had super bonkers world building.
>Successor to one of the hottest games of all time with SUPER HOT world building.

I wonder how detailed the trannycocks will be

zero chance of it being an Outer Worlds
high chance of it being another Witcher

Do you have any prospects in life beyond avatarfagging?

Watch out, the spic will now start posting wacky reaction gifs.

>high chance of it being another Witcher
I fucking hope so, unironically just give me Witcher 3 with guns.

You want leveled guns? And, by extension, enemies? Really? Shoot a rocket at a dude, he gets a tiny sliver of damage?

dev posted itll be delayed again

Yup, it'll be a tenor.gif file with that blonde chick from Mean Girls. The avatarfag isn't even a guy, they're a fucking fujo. They type like a woman.

Who the fuck cares about trains? The only change is that you don't have to skip through a cutscene when using one to fast travel.

That sounds in line what I expect from an RPG.

Pretty high if they keep removing shit

Nah, he admitted he's a homosexual spic once.
When he isn't in these threads he's in character creation threads getting autistically mad at anyone who's made a female character.

>Do you have any prospects in life beyond avatarfagging?

Yeah, he supports BLM even though he's twice been beaten up for being white, also he makes dumbass reddit threads and gets lots of updoots.

Hopefully. I loved the Outer worlds. Got to shoot weird aliens. Had a vicar with a shotgun follow me around, and some lady with a fuck of machine gun. Hell yea.

I was really drunk when I played it though

I did check twitter.
I think they failed to convey to the artists that the girl protag is obligated to be fugly. Oversight, I'm sure.

He freely admits to that but won't post proofs. Not even a hand. The avatarfag isn't a guy. They use str8 unironically. That's not something fags do, I'd know.

He's not a fag, he's a self-hating tranny.

why are you talking shit about methchan

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Sure... The yardstick for a cyberpunk RPG is Deus Ex tho, which has a different, and more realistic, RPG system.

just came here to say how fucking garbage cyberpunk aesthetics are
hyperactive zoom zoom zoomies with neon hair and piercings and drugs, utter human dreg
fucking bleh

Previous one was freaking attractive, all things considered. This is meth-chan indeed.

Only good thing about cyberpunk is the slutty, punky girls, and I can get one that looks exactly like that by browsing 2 minutes in Tinder.

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