Are these two, not only the greatest female characters of the 21st century, but greatest characters of any sex?

Are these two, not only the greatest female characters of the 21st century, but greatest characters of any sex?

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posting in EPIC thread here come the upvotes

ellie is just a dumb bitch and clementine was 300 times more enjoyable as a character when she was a retarded little girl under the wing of Lee, another character that totally blows both of them out of this universe in terms of likability

Have you just assumed their sex?

behind every great female is THE KNOT

Just because they're lesbians doesn't mean they're good.

very wholesome maybe even a chungus moment?


incel 4hchanlet: wow this is based and redpilled too, maybe even a bit of a coom moment?

gtfo landwhale

is coffee good for you?

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no, and that's only because Clementine doesn't have a Slugcat at her side
Then and ONLY then would she be the greatest
And The greatest character still remains as Lee.

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ok this is going to sound edgy as fuck but I think I finally understand the male impulse to rape.

I look at her and feel two things at once:
1. Utter disgust with her personality and full knowledge she's a horrible person who I would gladly throw in the gutter
2. Sexual attraction

The only clear reaction to that combination of feelings is rape. It satisfies both the lust and the rejection of her humanity

maybe shit and braap a little

Maybe not the greatest, but very good nonetheless.

no but coffee enemas are

name one then

Panty and Stocking are the two best characters of the 21st century. Prove me wrong.

Why are str8 men like this? Obsessed with ugly underage dykes and worshiping pussy?

You make your entire lives revolve around your sexuality, it's pathetic.

Tlou1 Ellie and season 1 Clementine were both pretty good, but I can think of dozens of female characters better, and their later characterizations in their respective sequel titles both made them worse

Why are you obsessed with sex, you pathetic coombrained freak?

>every thread is bait or Zig Forums
I don't know why I stay.


you guys literally bitched and whined until you got an entire month dedicated to celebrating how much you like cocks in your shitters shut the fuck up

Learn to hide and post in the few ones that aren't.

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It's disgusting you put clemmy next to a disgusting ellen page lookalike

He did, Lee.


DOn't be a fag

Clem needed your help, bros. Why didn't you save her leg?

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