We all know that normalfags ruined gaming...

We all know that normalfags ruined gaming. What do you think needs to happen to get rid of almost all normalfags from gaming?

Attached: smugann.png (444x493, 269.33K)

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nuke every major city
anarchists cookbook
do you think im on the fbi watchlist now bros?

There's nothing we can do short of making video games illegal for a couple decades and waiting for them to stop caring.

Erase everything related to western games.

Nothing, the only thing you can do is play vidya that's so niche neurotypicals can't get into.

sony bankrupt

Get developers to stop bending over backwards in order to pander to the majority. That'll never happen though because investors are the ones with actual power and pandering is what they want first and foremost.

>complains about normalfags
>posts persoyyyna

You'd need a sustained failure of an entire generation of hardware + a popular game/app on mobile that fucking makes the battery detonate at random.

>popular game/app on mobile that fucking makes the battery detonate at random
I do like the sound of that, is this possible?