So did you buy it?

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when it comes out maybe


So no?

black widow looks more like a man than thor




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bought 3 copies because we have 3 PS4s at home

You, the wife, and the wife’s son?

How'd you get that are you a reviewer?

me my sister and my cousin



I mean no. Sorry, no.

Are you sure?

no was free with my 10400f cpu, that I bought 2 months ago or so, just msged the place I bought it and they gave me code for the current promotion

I'll buy the complete edition on PS5 for $20

Is it good though? Did anyone actually play it?

No I'm not buying it

I played the beta is the fps better on releasea?

It's a generic brawler with the loot cycle of games like Destiny. It's incredibly barebones content wise, and online missions are samey and boring. Gameplay is fun and flashy, but with the depth of a kiddy pool. Single player campaign is surprisingly decent. Definitively not worth 60 bucks. If you're interested, I'd wait for a GotY release, and try to get friends to play with you.

was going to but then i tried the beta LMAO

Why does Black Widow look like Nu BJ Blazkowicz


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Him his wifes son and his wifes boyfriend when he comes over i bet.

Roy = Ultron

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No, I need my money for MARIO

>No it doesn't
Yes it does

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Yes. It's fun.

It's decent. One of those solid 7/10 type games.


Yes. It’s freaking amazing. All the reviews were wrong, it’s one of those games. The micro transaction shop sucks but the gameplay is just plain fun and story is phenomenal.

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What do you like about it? I didn't buy it because the framerate on console.

It's as shitty and bland as Spider-Man was.

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