Just got this. What am I in for? any advice?

Attached: godhand.jpg (189x267, 11.8K)

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>You're not Alexander

Watch the Seth video on JewTube.

lol why would I be? I hear its hard as fuck, but i play action shit all the time

there's definitely a wrong way to play this game and if you find yourself not enjoying it that means you're playing it wrong. Faggots will disagree with me but anyone who's played it and loves it like me will agree.

OP here, so far loving this fuckin combat wtf this shit is addicting. I love the hit impact, the audio effects. What is the wrong way of playing it?

Being a "game journalist" and not being able to advance passed the start probably. :^)

Up+triangle(?) charge on a downed opponent does a heel dive that launches them

You can keep charge punching a launched opponent to keep them in the air and catch other enemies coming towards you while you're doing it

Your main strat should be to launch groups of enemies and to kick them into other enemies