This game is the definition of artificial difficulty. Some of the maps were clever but the majority were just taking leaps of faith to find out what was on the other side only to find out its a winged koopa you need to stomp to make the jump and things along those lines.
Yeah the game feels like a compilation of bad Mario Maker levels.
Thomas Morales
nintendo should make more games like this
where is my mario 64 2 at?
Jackson Stewart
>Catering to a literal 0.1% crowd They could have atleast made the levels fair. Game practically hard caps you as tiny mario the entire time because majority of blocks are poisom shrooms or out of reach for regular ones. Respect to the people who managed to beat the game on NES I though. Played the all star version and the entire time I was only thinking how badly it might suck to have a game over screen and do all those shit levels again.
It's more tedious than anything. >the gradual increase in maze levels >Hammer Brothers will always spawn a hammer in the opposite direction after being stomped