How come Mario and Sonic can have consistent character design, but Crash can't?

How come Mario and Sonic can have consistent character design, but Crash can't?

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There's nothing wrong with playing around with designs after awhile, they're most likely trying to see whats about to stick or not

>Sonic can have consistent character design

Mario has consistent designs, Sonic is just as bad with the Tyson look, Boom, Adventure, the TSR short, ect...

crash is just a shitty taz knockoff

>ignoring Sonic’s Boom and movie designs

Because they are desperate to make Crash look good, but he will always have a shit design. You can dress a turd as much as you like, but it will always be a turd. Come to think of us, this applies to most western characters in general.

The issue isn't experimenting or tweaking with the designs its that all the people they hire are fuck ups who want to reinvent the wheel and strip Crash of what makes him appealing. This looks likes Illumination's Crash.

Nostalgia niggers will seethe, but this crash actively match the look Mario and Sonic has. All other characters look like DA tier furshit. This is Modern Crash and it's objectively a design that would appeal worldwide.

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Because Activision is shit and Crash rightfully belongs to Sony.