The whole epilogue of RDR2 is ludo but this mission exemplifies it perfectly. The player is annoyed with the dumb QTEs to build the house, as they were annoyed with the menial farm labor in Part I of the epilogue. The player wants to keep on playing the game as usual, shooting and robbing people. That's fun, but labor isn't fun. This mirrors how John feels, he wants to settle down and allow his family to live a normal life, but deep down he wants to continue being a free-living outlaw. The player ultimately gets what they want when they are allowed to track down and kill Micah, but this is what ends up damning John in the end, sealing his fate as it plays out in RDR1 since it allows the Pinkertons to find him.
ITT: Examples of pure ludo in vidya
Hit the nails in rhythm to the music you fucking sheep
Now that's a buzzword I never understood.
Care to explain ?
I literally explained it in the post, can you not read, you insufferable retard?
If I am not wrong it means; the unison of the gameplay elements and narrative elements.
why does Zig Forums hate all movie games, but loves this one
It's what faggots use as a replacement for "good".
Ludonarrative, it's when how you feel experience a media is able to be the same thing the character experience is. Ludonarrative dissonance is the opposite when something in the gameplay directly contracts or takes you out of the same feeling as a character. In videogames, when you feel the same things as a character, it works. When it feels like a game, it's dissoance
Get the fuck off my board and go back to r*ddit nigger.