I like this game
Marvel's Avengers
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Good on you. Hopefully they add about twice the story content and as such missions in the next six months as well as gameplay tweaks.
don't worry you guys, there have been tons of games that were complete dogshit and launch and were patched into good games... like, uh...
I'll just go back and beat some of the challenges in MUA3 instead, thanks.
Well we know that they have some content planned in the future and a fair amount of datamined heroes. The only question is how much content comes with that and what balance patches may happen. The core of the game is exactly as expected however.
What are Iron Man’s starting skills? I think I have an extra skill point...
Lasers and rockets I think.
Any of you play Ultimate Alliance 3? It could've been a lot better, but it was still decent, mindless fun and had tons of characters.
nooo you cant do that a youtuber said so