Microsoft won

>Microsoft won

Fucking finally, maybe now sony will let people play uncensored anime games again

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Microsoft did not win

But i do hope this scares sony enough that they stop greenlighting feminist games and cancelling anime games

Song for Asuka: where did your long hair goooo. Where is the girl used to knooooow. How could you lose that genki gloooow? Oh Asuka, no.

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Won how?

After playing Koiktasu, boob pockets like this look so cheap. Why not the boob tents or where it hangs off the boobs?

I'm sure those Seattle, Washington based employees are tripping over themselves to get underage anime boob games on their console.

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Hold up, are you saying Senran Kagura is coming to Xbox? Are they finally leaving the clutches of Sony for good?

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Can I get some context here?

Oh Asuka yoooou, break my heart I want to go and crrrry. It's so sad to watch a sweet thing diiiieee oh Asuka, whhhyyyy.