Xbox series X/S prices leaks

>Xbox series X/S prices leaks
>Series X is 499$
>Series S is 299$
>Sony announces ps5 price thanks to this on their next state of play event.
>Ps5 is 450$
>Digital only ps5 is 399$
>Sony starts the generation at loss
>One month later xbox does it's show
>"Lol those leaks were fake"
>Series X real price is 399$
>Series S real price is 250$
>Sony loses the generation and thanks to the loses sony decides to close the playstation division

One man can dream...

Attached: 450_1000.jpg (450x253, 10.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i wish all consoles would cease to exist

>Windows Central
>Brad Sams

This is official pricing. Cope harder.

So you want 3070 to cost $1500?

are there actual xbox fans on Zig Forums or are all of these posts just nintendo fan stirring shit for the sake of it?

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xbox fag here
I have other consoles and pc but primarily play on one x, better ecosystem and online

Yeah, PC tards are unironically cheering on monopolies on all fronts.

They want:
Nvidia's jewish game gimping tricks and $2000 GPUs
Intel's CPU division to fail so we can have LE AMD MASTER RACE RYZEN
Epic to fail so we can go back to TEN THOUSAND ASSET FLIPS A YEAR Steam
Apple to fail because WINDOWS IS THE GAYMER OS

I game on both console and PC. PC spergs are the kind of person that could be summed up by saying "when the company that made the thing I bought is doing well, it's like I'm doing well!".

You realize if they want endlessly undercut themselves they can change the MSRP at any time even in the middle of the gen? If MS really wanted to win they should have made the original X cheap in the first place.

Consoles will force PC poorfags to adopt raytracing. The last two gens were turds, but consoles can occasionally drive technology forward.
t. PChad

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