Left or right?

Left or right?

Attached: lets-compare-and-contrast-the-us-and-european-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-box-art-1484308708348.jpg (1322x882, 720.93K)

I'm not a tranny. So neither

left looks more recognizable from far away and stands out on it's own
right looks generic and would blend in with a ton of other games

the obsession

left is easier on the eyes and looks a lot more badass compared to Link's weird expression and pose on the right. Plus it has hyrule castle on it which is a nice touch


Left obviously. Looking out on the world you are about to explore.

Right looks like a girl's shitty tinder profile picture. "Look at this mountain I climbed"

left is way better and is one of the best coverarts of all time
right is blinding, has worse colours and composition and links pose is awkward as fuck

Euro tards need to see links face or they won’t recognize him.

Based, kek