Guild requires you to fill out an application to join

>guild requires you to fill out an application to join

Attached: thumb_gross-face1-meme-generator-50610427.png (300x214, 40.26K)

You have to report in on Discord whenever you are online

Attached: Dalai Lama.jpg (1200x1200, 122.29K)

fuck that, nigers

So a good guild then? every single guild I've joined with no applications has been shit, filled with retards that get invited because ???

Based guild gatekeeping leeching fags like OP

>guild randomly invite spams low level players

>guild requires you to spar one on one with every member before joining

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>playing online games

jfc, video games are a thing to avoid social interactions.

the second you need to treat a video game like a job is the moment you should quit

>game requires you join a clan/guild before you can craft the item you need