Why did it get so much hate early on?
Why did it get so much hate early on?
it was a good game
The shill cheques hadn't cleared yet.
poorfags counlt run it so they went crying back to mama for a better pc
People saw that you could buy praxis kits as microtransactions so they thought it had become a pay to win game, whereas it actually turned out the game was full of them and you got more than enough if you did side quests, so it wasn't an issue at all.
Also, dedicating so much of development time to the breach mode was fucking annoying. They could've given us a longer campaign and dropped that entirely.
Still had a ton of fun with it though, great game.
Invisible War
my issues tho wasn't the praxis kits it was that they were charging for consumables that only worked per 1 save slot. ridiculous.
this game literally won't run on anything that has more than 4 cores
I just saw the purchasable consumables as a normal human sees flypaper. Why would you use them?
If some silly sod decides to buy them because they're scared the game will be too hard and the studio gets more money to make more Deus Ex games (but, yes, I know they likely won't now) then all is well.
Not gonna get mad at a company deciding to get some extra bucks off absolute retards.
I would unironically cancel every game series that tried to shove in microtransactions if I could