A few months before the game's release, which was set to coincide with the release of the film...

>A few months before the game's release, which was set to coincide with the release of the film, the developers at Treyarch were forced to cut a large amount of content in order to complete and ship the game on time.[6]

This is such bullshit. This game is already the best Spiderman game out there, but it could have had even more and better content if the devs had a bit more time?

What are some other good or great games that were rushed to release and didn't even live up to their full, planned potential?

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Every game. When you give developers all the time and money they want you get Star Citizen. This was all figured out decades ago.

Pic fucking related

>Producer Kensuke Tanabe later revealed that the game was just about thirty percent complete three months before the strict deadline Nintendo had set for a release in the 2004 holiday season

It's an absolute miracle that Retro Studios ended up making one of the better Gamecube games despite Nintendo doing everything in their power to fuck it up.

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It really wasn't that good, chill.

wow, really? Prime 2 is a lengthy game already.

Or Tim Schafer missing every deadline.

Right? They really polished it up nice considering the circumstances, but holy shit that multiplayer should never have shipped. Not that I have a problem with them focusing more resources on the single player but MP2 multiplayer really felt like pre-beta software.

Never heard of this before but checking the source it's legit, Tanabe had to live at Retro Studios in Texas for those last months of development. How the fuck did they even manage it? It just sounds unrealistic, 30% means something equivalent to them having just Agon Wastes done and having to make Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress with all their items, enemies and bosses in the span of three months, it sounds insane. The only thing I can sorta see being rushed in the game is the multiplayer getting heavily cut down and not being very polished.

sunshine was so rushed
all the missions are typically copy pasted and uninspired. too many repeated boss fights, coin hunts, all stage 7's, stage 8's were notoriously unfun, many extra shinesprites are just "do this same objective again"
theres also random jank like the pachinko """physics""" or the random coked up moments like the yoshi boat ride with the green pipe that wastes an extra 5 minutes of your life.
fludd attachments are almost worthless until they are randomly required. the entirety of serena beach was a shitshow.

it controls well and has decent production values, but the good levels are shadowed by the filler garbage.

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