Vidya peaked 15 years ago

>Vidya peaked 15 years ago

nothing has ever come close, and everything after 2012 is pure garbage.

Attached: Colossus-TopArt.jpg (2400x1800, 357.07K)

>Posts shit gameplay.
That's where you're wrong, ugly. Gameplay is better than it has ever been, and that's all that counts.

actually it peaked 2 years ago.

Attached: 1592168616855.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

>video games peaked when I was a toddler because I had no idea what was going on and just slapped buttons
>nothing good has come out since I was in middle school and developed the critical thinking skills necessary to realize that video games have always been a waste of time
>I refuse to accept this and will continue to waste my time bitching about modern games that I don't play while sucking off ones that are nostalgic to me
Get a life.

Metal Gear Rising and DMC 5 exist and they are not garbage so you are wrong

I prefer ICO

Attached: 895239.jpg (788x914, 341.34K)

>mfw I realized ico is part of Trico


Imagine being this stupid

I think vidya has gotten worse aswell
The core physics/mechanics of games have definitely gotten worse
Like compare the shitty SSX 2012 to the ps2 games
Or every crash team racing game being worse than the ps1 version

They are good games.
It doesn't matter if there were better games before them.
They are not garbage so OP sucks cocks

>if it isn't the literal best of its genre it's garbage
kill yourself you annoying teenager

And it will peak again, epic is pumping money into gendesign


who cares about physics when you have dem graphics.

Vidya peaked before most of you were even born. It certainly didn't peak with fucking cutsceneshit.

are you calling SotC cutscene?
Because the game only really has 3 cutscenes

quicktimeeventshit and cutsceneshit are the same thing. If you're not controlling the action onscreen, it's shit.

its not quick time either, you are fully in control
Go play the game

have you played the game? The only cutscenes are for boss intros, boss outros, and then some light story stuff right at the end

>Go play the game

Impossible. It's a movie.

okay but if by movie you mean game, then go play it anyway

I know you are pretending to troll now because you realised you were wrong
But i dont know how you can see footage of the game and not think you are in control

SotC is overrated as fuck. I give it a 6/10

I could get the same experience watching a better movie while holding a PS2 controller in my hand. And I wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassing anime-tier story and voice acting, too.

>Virgin fried brain dweeb zoomer can't enjoy minimalist gameplay

colour me shocked.

Quick Time Events are not gameplay. They're cutsceneshit. Deal with it.


Attached: ugandanwarrior.jpg (630x630, 32.76K)

I like games here and there after 2012. Gravity Rush 2 Freedom Wars off the top of my head but there are others I swear lol.

But I find myself 95% of the time playing games made before 2012 or are a remaster thereof.

What a time we live in where preferring games with actual gameplay is considered a "zoomer" thing. Apparently zoomers have better taste than millennials now.

Not to sound all faggoty, but people underrate the emotional resonance of TLG in comparisson to SOTC.

Actual ADHD retards get angry that Trico gets stuck or non responsive, don't realise the game is a simulation of trying to coax a giant puppy/kitten to do things.

ADHD retards can argue about how they don't think that's fun. Anyone with a modicum of patience who sees it through to the attending can attest to the connection you build with Trico and how that ending hit the feels. It's an order of magntitude better than any emotional connection you can feel for a pokemon or other pet training shit.

The gameplay in SoC is far more subtle than the instant gratification you get from Mobas, souls and e-sport garbage, it's about creating a certain feel and aesthetic, it's art.

stop replying to him you idiot
also what do you mean "minimalist gameplay" sotc is more gamey than most anything
Like in the fight with the flying serpent were you jump form the horse to the serpent, in any other game that would be a cutscenes or quick time event or partially scripted but in SotC is just the core gameplay mechanics and physics

Or the fight with the sand snake were you control both the horse and your aim
In any other game that would be like a turret section were you just shoot

if you mean minimalist in that it doesn't have a bunch of stupid shit added on like inventory,crafting, crappy sidequests
Then yeah i get what you are saying and that is a good thing

you use simple controls to try and solve puzzles, there are no deep mechanics to master, no insane test of reflexes. the controls are fine tuned to create a certain feeling.