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they thought they could do RDRO like they did GTAO and then realized that most kiddies didn't care unless they could listen to mumble rap while on a flying motorcycle.


Because Rockstar's focus is now on multiplayer and microtransactions
And also because Dan Houser left which means no fun allowed anymore

if i ever meet someone who works at take-two i swear to god it will take 10 people to drag me off of them. i dont care if he's only the fucking janitor i'm gonna start swinging and wont stop till the cops taze me.

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absolutely based, give em one for me champ

story dlc doesn't sell gold bars

>The story runs concurrent with the first RDR Undead Nightmare
>Arthur rises out of his grave, and we get to explore the RDR2 map in 1911
>All the vampire and swamp people stuff teased in the main game ties in
i made myself sad

user, the janitor most likely isn't even part of take 2... leave the poor man alone, he already gad a shit job and a shit pay

don't forget the witches