Toggle ADS is default

>toggle ADS is default
>C for crouch is default
>V for melee is default
>I for inventory is default

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>toggle ADS is default

I always have to search the settings and pray that toggle ADS is even an option, let alone it being the default. I hate holding my right mouse button for ADS, wish toogle was actualyl default.

>V for melee is default
name 3 (3) games that do this

all these are indeed disgusting except I for inventory, it is the only one that makes sense. However in some games it makes absolutely no sense but thats the minority

>there's a melee button
>instead of a well developed melee combat system

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all 3 metro games

>what is tab?


>LMB to shoot
You hold the gun with your right hand, it should be RMB to shoot. In Skyrim you press LMB and you swing the weapon in your right hand! How do people play like this?

tab is for map :)

only MP shit has that
M is for map

Tab is for shockrifle

Fuck off multiplayer tranny

Imagine pulling a gun trigger with your middle finger. Dumb nigger.

melee sucks fug off

>not playing multiplayer

>M is for map
in an action game, any button thats further to the right than r/f/c is unplayable and must be rebound at once

It started with CoD, either 2 or 4.

then what's your inventory button?

>toggle crouch

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depends on the game, but now that i think about it there arent very many action games with an inventory system that i know of. i think i used Q in system shock and prey

>Imagine pressing with your middle finger and this somehow unconsciously coordinates your muscles to bring the sights to your eye
That's how fucking stupid your line of reasoning is. There's a reason any sane person would call you a fucking retard if you bound S to Move Froward.

>keys are aligned on Dvorak by default

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TAB for inventory, Caps Lock for Map if it's so important to the game.

>binding a toggle button to anything

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Exquisite taste in control schemes, my friend.

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ADS toggle in multiplayer, hold in singleplayer

>ADS toggle in multiplayer
explain why though, letting go off a button is an extra action and takes more time

>Press Caps Lock, it toggles map screen on
>Press it again, it toggles map screen off
Is that so hard?

It's easier to aim. But if I play multiplayer I play something where you're scoped in for longer periods of time, not epic quickscoping in COD

>Press Caps Lock, it toggles map screen on
>Close the map in any other way
>Caps Lock is now toggled

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>scroll up for next weapon is default

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I see caps lock as a key for writing, I don't want the light to be on when it's not supposed to be on

All Borderlands game

you unironically type in all caps sometimes?

Why would you do that?

easier to write COOMER like that so yea

>press caps lock to open map
>chat in steam overlay, press capslock to type normally
>go back to game, press caps lock to close map
>caps lock is now toggled

For exemple : you press a movement button and it goes back to gameplay, closing the map

there can only be one light on here, otherwise I must kill it asap

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After decade of Flashpoint/ARMA i can't physically understand what kind of a retard you need to be to WANT to play with shitty hold ADS control schemes from consoles.

Capslock is damn near useless already but is there anything on the keyboard more obsolete than fucking scroll lock?