Why do people get angry that they got Void Elves instead of High Elves?
Why do people get angry that they got Void Elves instead of High Elves?
Whoid elves?
Because they wanted High Elves.
Void Elves are getting normal skin tones, that's good enough. They're better anyway and I want a Void Elf wife.
Because High Elves existed in the game since forever, were aligned with alliance already but were pretty much irrelevant. While void elves were just an asspull just to tie the whole void thing to the plot somehow
I prefer my pretty posh purple elf wife.
High Elves have been in lore since WC1 I believe, Void Elves are something they made up the previous expansion to specifically give people what they didn't want
Do you think that void elves would be more or less likely to fuck a human?
I'm guessing more
Why are elves so slutty?
Are they called void Elves because they walk around void of clothes?
They aren't. Your brain is just damaged by porn.
>Alliance cry about High Elves
>Horde get High Elves as Blood Elves
>Alliance cry about High Elves
>Horde gets gold eyes for Blood Elves
>Alliance cry about High Elves
>Horde gets Nightborne, Alliance gets Void Elves
>Alliance cry about High Elves
>Horde gets heritage armor and related quest showing the fall of Quel'thalas
>Alliance cry about High Elves
>Horde gets new hairstyles, jewelry, skin tones, green eye shades, gold eye shades, blind eye options, new hair colors AND blue eyes for Blood Elves, while Alliance just gets recycled skin tones and blue eyes for Void Elves
When will Alliance learn to stop asking for High Elves?
How do elf men deal with their women cucking them with orcs, monsters and even humans?
High Elves have been in the game since TBC though.
Everything post-MoP is fanfiction and I don't want to play as some shitty fanfiction race invented for cockblocking. Give me the real thing.
Cope harder, shits not happening.
since vanilla newfag
everyone shut up and post fat elves
As a playable race you dumb faggot.
I just want Ethereals for fucks sake
never been playable newfag
You got High Elves as a playable choice in the first expansion.
This was pretty clearly laid out in wc3.
Finally, some good fucking taste.
>says cope
>posts the ultimate coper
What did he mean by this
Aren’t blood elves literally high elves, what the fuck are they asking for?
the right eye color in the right faction, apparently
why are the ones that are pro marriage evil?
I guess the couple of traitor HEs in the Alliance faction?
Honestly they should just make an entire system to go renegade then since they aren't even the most numerous race traitors by far in the lore.
the pro marriage ones all seem lawful actually, which makes some sense
Neutral good is best.
Lawful good and lawful neutral are worst.
I have no fucking clue. Those cucks even want Quel'thalas to be liberated by the alliance.
Can you not read? Lawful Good and Neutral Good are very clearly wanting marriage, and so does True Neutral. Lawful Neutral probably contracted you into it already.
It's been set up in the lore since post-WC3 that there are high elves left in the Alliance. I don't think it's really unreasonable for people to want to play as them. Just like I don't think it's unreasonable for people to want to be Ogres. Both races have existed since long before WoW
bottom right plz
>Chaotic Neutral one of the hottest
>also a giant whore
Ah, fucking hell.
>people actually cry about nig elves being introduced and whine about the lore
>in a game with literal space goats and their intergalactic army
>meanwhile all i can think about is this nubian elf queen putting me on all fours and having me worship her anus
The entire thing has been fundamentally fucking broken since Vanilla. Undead in the Horde, right. Just to have an equal amount of playable races for both factions. I'd much rather just have dropped Gnomes, you know. Or add something that actually made fucking sense, like Ogres or Amani Forest Trolls.
TBC really shit the bed even worse, giving High Elves to Horde, which also already included the Undead, instead of doing the one logical thing and giving them to Alliance. Instead they got magic space goats.
Vanilla races should have been
>Alliance: Human, Dwarf, High Elf
>Horde: Orc, Troll, Tauren
Night elves could have been a neutral faction, and the Forsaken a hostile faction. Undercity would have been the raid dungeon WHICH THEY THEN DID ANYWAY
Yes, I am mad about games I don't even play. Still waiting for Warcraft 4.
oh no no no no no no
Tyrande didn't even want to read his goodbye letter she's a clear dom while Malfurion's a sub.
>want X
>get Y
what is so hard to get?
High Elves have been around since forever but rather than give people what they want they gave them a purple version with extremely contrived lore.
It's hilarious how hard they keep fingering high elffags just because they can
Imagine being drooling virgin enough starved of sex to actually draw this lamo
>There's not enough High Elves to have them as an allied race according to Blizzard
>Gives us Void Elves
Fucking Blizzard