>You guys play Smash?
You guys play Smash?
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Gonna smash your fucking head in fat fuck
Don't you hate it when you put on your ass the other way around?
This is rare. People's fat usually don't hang below XXL large shirts.
Where'd you get that pic of me?
Man i dont get how people can get this big. It shouldn't be humanly possible.
How does one end up like this?
Mirin' that bulk gut. Mmmmm yes. Keep up the good work!
Obesity is immoral.
>Please help I've been stuck here for hours. I'm gonna starve.
It's actually pretty common. I'm American BTW.
giving up on life
Being a total failure and compulsively eating to feel any measure of satisfaction in your worthless life.
He looks like a meatball.
His arms look way off.
how do i lose weight?
That belly hang asserts dominance
dont eat
stop eating
Every time I see an obese person I just assume they were horribly abused as children and resorted to eating to cope
i'm not a pedo
Even the most biggest pigs in that Obesity TV show, their shirts still contain their fat. I've never seen someone's belly actually hang past the bottom of the shirt
eat less
if youre fat for the love of god dont run, youre just going to break your knees
how do people even get this fat. like what type of calorie intake per day you need for this body?
I'm a total failure that gave up on doing anything with my life and im not fat at all despite drinking coke all day and eating junk food and having huge tax funded dinners.
ever heard of exercise?
Don't overeat.
I gave up on life, and still haven't achieved those gains. Honestly surprised I don't look like that guy because when I was 19 I was basically living off chips and soda.
His genes must also suck on top of shit life choices.
If you watch 600lb life pretty much everyone on that show says they were abused
Is this achievable natty?
Wait can he even play smash? I don’t think he can put his tiny hands together to hold the controller
>eat like a fat fuck
>still skeleton mode
you are either not eating that much on a monthly basis or just have an insane metabolism. also if its coke zero it doesnt count
No, I shower every day
Think about a day where you ate like complete shit. Now realize that these people eat 5x worse than that, and they do it every day with no exercise.
Having huge 10K calorie mukbangs everyday
This is how I imagine my bean in fall guys would look like irl
wid 1200 calorie a day high protein low carb. when you lose tirty pund in one mune den i can approve for weight loss surgy but first you got show me you can change your eatin habit
>feel like shit when I take in more than 2000 calories in a day
How do obese people do it?
Gotta lift heavy as you can, brah.
Okay guys. Keeping it real, I'm fat. 90kg 180cm right now. Was almost 110 once. My question is: HOW. FUCKING HOW.
Genetics, hypothyroidism
just stuff yourself with junk food constantly
only drink soda
only move to the kitchen
Look at food as if they cussed your mother.
by being American.
the American diet
Normal coke, about 2 liters a day. No exercise. I guess i don't eat that much though, usually too depressed to bother.
Lol fuckin user I’m at work don’t post this shit
I always feel bad for being well above 200 lbs, having to find big ass belts, and trying to exercise when my body literally won't cooperate with me.
Then I see fat fucks like OP's image and it reminds me I could be worse and I could be doing literally nothing about it.
>eat like a fat fuck
No you don't. I had a skinny friend and he says he eats a lot but when we go eat out at a restaurant he never manages to finish his dish.
>Normal coke, about 2 liters a day.
You are destroying your body
And your teeth
Stop it
user I’m a musclebound freak and wear 2x. This dude is at 6 or 7xl
I went to a super Christian school back in the day because my parents didn't want me to be around blacks and it always amused me when the fat fuck teachers would skip over the gluttony is a sin part of the Bible. Youre gonna lecture me on listening to rock music yet you got diabetes and need a special van to get to church? Lmao fuck off heathen
Anyone wearing 2x is a manlet
just be yourself
He looks like he's hiding another equally fat person under his clothes
lmao very true