Play game normally

>Play game normally
>Get bad ending
>Have to google how to get the good ending, then replay entire game
Why does Zig Forums love this game again??

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Because it's a high IQ literary masterpiece and normies will never understand it

you made shitty decision, just like in real life

You actually have to be autistic to get the bad ending this game. The choices are obvious. Way too obvious for my taste. They could've made em more ambigious.

i got the good ending (or neutral one, i dont remember) on my first playtrough, without looking at any guide, its your fault for choosing the shitty decisions

I got the Ciri becomes a witcher ending and both Triss and Yen left me.
Seeing Ciri in the end of Blood and Wine made me happy enough.

It's fun to play and explore the world
Not everybody is an autist

Is it a good idea to skip Witcher 1-2 and jump straight to Witcher 3?


Oh my goaad, do you not realize that Witcher 3 is like the bestest game ever made? Ugh...

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