That'll be 379.99 + 13% tax + tip

That'll be 379.99 + 13% tax + tip

Attached: file.png (586x596, 105.57K)

So what is that, $250 USD?

big yikes can it do 50v50 mmo war battles

Attached: Eg8zWJfXgAA6tz4.jpg (2048x1152, 495.33K)

That'll be $379.99 +13% tax + tip

OH, and don't forget the subscription! You want games, don't you? That'll be 14.99 a month as long as you own the system. No, of course you can't return or resell them, haha. And since we control the supply, we also control all the discounts and when games drop off. Don't think about playing Series S in 10 years. But you will be able to play Series 2030 in 10 years, only 499.99 plus tip plus subscription.

>About 300 dollars in American
Not too bad. Is tax really that high there, holy shit.

Mexico's acc didn't even put a price lmao

Based Americans having no fucking clue how high taxes are in other parts of the world. How do you think they pay for "Free" healthcare? By making people pay more for taxes, duh.

Being a leafbro is suffering, 25% of my paycheck is taken away for """taxes""" and everything is fucking expensive on top of that.
I get that we need to do some taxation for our healthcare to work, but holy fuck the last 10 years has been a steep incline up in taxation and living expenses.

If you put a sub 1% tax on every trade handled in the stock market, you'd be able to pay for national healthcare for the entire united states. But no, not the poor billionaires!

It's probably gonna 12-13k in pesos

you are a brain damaged retard
>having no fucking clue how high taxes are in other parts of the world.
as if you have you brain damaged retard

>tfw military so PX sells me shit tax free
how does one like living as a civilian

>No, of course you can't return or resell them

Congratulations, user. You just discovered the concept of game rental.

As a Canadian, I'd say that's fine but don't be like us and get rid of private entirely.
I hate waiting 8 months for a referral, I would spend money to get an appointment next week if I had the option.
Australia did it right, they have both public and private.

I feel sorry for the non-albertans in this thread.
5% sales tax heh heh

What? Is Alberta really that low? Fucking hell.
Would you accept some refugees from Ontario?

>Xbox 360
>Xbox One
>Xbox One X
>Xbox One S
>Xbox LGBT
>Xbox Series X
>Xbox Series Y
>Xbox Series Z
>Xbox Series S
>Xbox xXx
>DMX is gonna give it to ya

Microsoft is clinically retarded. They just literally handed Sony 9th gen on a plate. FOR FREE. At this point no sane, normal person even wants to bother with the Shitbox brand because it's too confusing. Literally the fucking Wii U scenario where people thought it was just some shitty $299 add-on for the original Wii.
Their naming faggotry is genuinely anti-product, anti-consumer, anti-economical. It's just as confusing as Xiaomi or whatever you call that god damn chinkoid mobile phone company releasing 80 different models each year.

>Xbox LGBT
That one's already part of the PS5 trademark.

Tax will probably go up too because of the corona + corona spending. Definitely going up to 15% in ON.

SeS 6000, SeX 12000

Quite a few of them forgot.
Sweden later tweeted that it'd cost the local equivalent of 350 euros, which I think might be the highest price yet.
>tfw live in a country without official Xbox twitter account

>thinks xbox is the based chad console
>microsoft hates gays
>only sony is cringe pro gay

>not knowing literally every corporate overlord is pro whatever the fuck whenever it benefits them
You fucking losers need to stop shilling for corporations because you're poor.
This isnt cyberpunk. Youre not a corpo. Youre some faggot shitosting on Zig Forums

>Xbox Series Y
>Xbox Series, Y?

How much is PlayStation plus?

What kind of person resells their games?

>Affordable financing for the stronger console with 0% interest that includes gamepass
>Far better specs and can do REAL 4k
>Not a housefire waiting to happen
Yeah, they sure handed it to Sony, retard.

>he didn't do the dollar scam and have ultimate for 5 years

Attached: 10u9ANTXQeNByo.gif (320x212, 2.31M)

tree hunded

the one that has sex

>MOOOOOOOOOM buy me an Xbox Series S pleaaaaase
>Mom goes and gets her son an Xbox One S

This is going to happen, right?


>wii u bros finally get their revenge
crafty bastards...

Erotic roleplay? Let's do it. I've got a beegirl on f-list that buzzes around shoving eggs into EVERYTHING.

I still legit don't know which is the strongest console
Series X?

Series X(box) = best
Series (P)S = cheap

was talking about games,not used condoms.

Are you so fucking young that you never rent a game or movie when you were a kid? Why suddenly everybody was against this is of renting. Who the fuck Replay modern games? And if you really like what you played, they even give you discount to get it. You all fuckers who praise about owning things should go see a doctor

I think I'll just wait for the Xbox Series One X to come out..

>Series S

What is that again? A better 360? Or the Xbox equivalent of PS5?

I thought you people who against free healthcare died with the anti Vax dumbfuck. Would recommend you to see a doctor for your fuck up brain but that would probably make you go broke

its going up as soon as the covid bill hits. cant wait to see 90% of calgary go bankrupt when 5%pst comes hahahaha

Alberta is GST only but shills are working to change that

This legit makes even the fucking Wii U's naming scheme sound smart in comparison. I can't wait to hear all the stories about parents buying an xbox for their kids and then they proceed to get an Xbox One S with games for the Series S. Hard to believe someone was actually paid to come up with these garbage names.

I hope Drumpf opens the border soon so I can buy the SeX in America