Are video games good for you?

are video games good for you?

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I see what you did there

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That mug looks like it holds black coffee


That mug is made for BBC (Brewed Black Coffee)

I kek'd pretty hard

I had a laugh

mug with jugs?

Yep, pretty based.

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I will now drink your coffee

why is coffee

Based? Based on what?

Based on eyewitness reports

Based ooon... *checks OP pic* pic related I guess?

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Tales of Symphonia thread?

Coffee is so fucking good bros
I wish I could drink it even at night

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>Coffee is so fucking good bros
Explain why does it tastes like ebola then.

You’re not old enough kid.

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Is this the new shitposting thread?

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What gave it away? Is it the fact that it's a coffee mug? Or the fact that in that picture it's fucking holding black coffee?

In the morning, I have to drink my coffee iced, because hot coffee puts me to sleep. I cannot begin to explain why that is.

Unironically this. I used to hate black coffee and beer until I was in my mid/late twenties. Now I genuinely enjoy the taste of both. I've read that it has something to do with the way your tastebuds change when you're older.


I love videogames, i would reccomend them.

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you have to disguise the taste with cream and sugar,

they are good at destroying your life, yes.

the sag is real