Does anyone know why the fuck we keep arguing on this godforsaken board...

Does anyone know why the fuck we keep arguing on this godforsaken board? It makes even less sense than if we were arguing on Twitter. At least then, we could get a cult-of-personality inside our little bubbles with people who agree with us. But on Zig Forums, everything's anonymous, the person you're arguing might as well not even exist to you after you leave the thread. So why even bother getting worked about shit here? To get a small boost of self-satisfaction until we move onto the next thread and argue about retarded shit there, too?

Attached: 1599104126147.png (1200x930, 1.1M)

Most of us have no where else to go, in terms of social media.

Arguing is fun

Exactly, you can't get an ego boost here. You should go to twitter as you said, you'll like a lot more, go there and stay there, don't ever come back.

Did you not read what I said? I said it's stupid that people get ego boosts from Zig Forums for winning imaginary arguments with others on a Bengali tap-dancing forum.

Twitter doesn’t accept our sense of humor or beliefs.

The good anons aren't here for ego boosts. Your problem is that there are no good anons in this place, only reddit refugees and tourists.

>implying Zig Forumsoomers have a good sense of humour
>implying Zig Forumsoomers have any beliefs other than brand loyalty

i don't think I've ever argued with anyone on this board in good faith.
I just use it to shit post

You can sure as fuck get an ego boost here.

There's nowhere else for us to go