Behold, the best controller setup this world had EVER seen

Behold, the best controller setup this world had EVER seen.

Attached: dewix9f~2.jpg (683x683, 47.77K)


Attached: 1599636230496.png (554x667, 430.1K)

What games do you play with it and how hard was the setup?

checks out

What an insightful post that had much to say. Really made me reconsider a lot of thins.

opinion discarded

I used to play CS Go with a Wii nunchuk and mouse.

What the fuck is the point of that? You can't use an analog stick and a mouse at the same time anyway, so mapping the analog stick to movement in Xinput just turns it into a shitty D-Pad.

you might be onto something

Some games like watch dogs 2 let you use multiple input devices like controller, mouse and keyboard with no noticeable transition between them. But the thing is it's still going to leave you severely limited in term of actual control because a mouse doesn't have as many buttons as half a controller