Marvel's Anthem

Am I wrong?

Attached: Marvels-avengers-d5de2e1.jpg (768x574, 111.21K)

Very wrong. It's selling well and despite all the bugs or whatever you think is fundamentally wrong about the game systems, the community playing it and reviewers pretty much all like it.

no, you're not wrong. it's Marvel/Disney's Anthem.

no, stop trying to defend a mulibillion dollar company just because it has your faves.

Marvel's Avengers, at least, has a great plot. Even better than Tomb Raider.
But it seems that this isn't enough for the reviewers....

>no, stop trying to defend a mulibillion dollar company just because it has your faves.
Not defending the company at all, personally I'm very disappointed in the game and don't really like it, but me not liking it doesn't change the fact that its a critical and sales success, where as Anthem did horribly and EA was bombarded with refunds despite even trying to give the game away for 'free' with their origin pass or w/e and even the community for the game was a dumpster fire almost from day one,even when they made a patch to fix things it was always 1 step forward and 2 steps back and now they're trying to salvage it with a 2.0 version coming.

I can tell it's just going to get better. I'm happy with my purchase.

You're wrong. It's clearly called Marvel's Avengers. Are you retarded, user?

this game is the beat em up of the year
while anthem has no redeeming factors

Attached: combo mad.webm (842x480, 2.9M)

>It's selling well
Is it? This had Crystal dynamics, eidos-Montreal, and Nixxes software all working on it. Plus it’s fully voiced and dubbed in 13 different languages.

This definitely wasn’t a cheap game, and all the low reviews aren’t going to help future sales.

>it's selling well

lmao even in bongland its underselling and we usually eat up capeshit

Attached: avengerssales.jpg (2370x922, 456.33K)