
do you fags actually get tired of repeating the same words over and over again?

Attached: 1599518569290.jpg (750x806, 113.55K)

most of the people who say those things are terminally autistic

But you just used the word "fag".

based and foilpilled

>using homophobic slurs in 2020
Imagine being an unironic chud

Most people who visit Zig Forums are autisic, though.

I don't care what you think nerd.

Nope, and I get paid to do it too.

This image seems appropriate.

Attached: 2019_buzzwords_game.png (843x903, 56.25K)

I prefer classics - son_ygger and nin_toddler
>can't post because system thinks it's spam
LMAO, the absolute state