God, she's so hot

God, she's so hot.

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best thing about this is that we cant even report you. this anthropomorphic character is in a game. we can't are powerless. i fucking hate that character and even i am a furry.

now she's manly enough to seduce coco and bed her
too bad coco looks like shit in this game

I wonder how she'll meet Ratchet

shes odd. her hair screams tumblr dyke buy her body screams please breed me. im not sure how to feel

Gonna prepare.

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>God, I wish that was me


Built for BBC (big bandicoot cock)

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I'm fine with new coco but jesus christ, this is a fate worse than just not including tawna at all

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She looks like a lesbian.

I feel like they should’ve just made this a new character. Looks absolutely nothing like Tawna.

kek is that doofensmith from phineas and ferb
western gaming is dead

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I legit thought it was just a new character, which would have been REALLY interesting and great because maybe another company would finally build a harem like the Pokemon Company has but nope, it's a shitty redesign that permanently takes up space on Tawna's Rule 34.
These companies don't even fucking get why coomers like them so much and do shit like this

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Except she's a complete downgrade from her NST/NF design, Just like coco.

>le fortnite squirrel

Attached: floss dance.gif (480x480, 2.67M)

Just set your search date to anything from before September 8, 2020, and you'll still get the good Tawna results. Or, try to get all the booru sites to start using a Tawna_(IAT) tag.

Is she supposed to be in her forties? Also,
>oh no she's a dyke
You fucking idiots, she's even better now. Stop getting your feefees hurt over hair

Stronk dyke truck lesbian characters for the win. Women are better than men! Stop objectifying us! GIRL POWER!

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Based consoomer sony goyim.

Gaming is dead, long live video games.

I have a feeling this webm is gonna be posted a lot.

Stop talking like a preteen faggot.

>tfw this lends itself to tentacle-esque porn

What happens when jannies find Tawna

>game literally just floats her into place for the grab animation instead of having the enemy track her and sync its animation properly.
fuck this game is actually being made by clinically retarded monkeys.

Not with that hair

characters dimensions are poorly written and I can't imagine her recycle being done any differently
>it's just an excuse for furries to make porn and promote their game for free regardless of whether you're a coomer or not. You know porn exists.
They're doing what Ratchet and Clank did and doing it embarrassingly poorly

I like it. And that's a alternate universe Tawna where Crash and Coco are presumably dead.

Why the fuck did you have to tell me, now i can't unsee that.

It's a parallel universe Tawna, relax.

But at that point, why not just make it a completely new character? It practically is in all but name, unless they actually decide to do something with it.

>less originality somehow makes it a good thing
Oh good, instead of just being a lazy redesign it's a brand new Tawna from another dimension because we haven't had that shitty trope repeatedly in the last 5 years at all.
I liked it better when she was her own character because that's instantly a million times more interesting than "here's X character from Y dimension

You just weren't paying attention. Just about every bit of footage from this game is extremely stiff and unpolished.

>alternate reality shit
I'm so fucking tired of this shit. Franchises are just using it as a crutch to not come up with new characters anymore.