Rank 'em. For me it's
3FES>4=5>Golden, haven't played the other games/editions
Why are persona fags so autistic with this shit? All 3 are good and worth playing, fuck off with your infighting autism.
its fucking obnoxious
For whatever it's worth I actually enjoyed all 3 as well, I'm just trying to get a Persona thread going. I agree that some anons take it too far with debating which is better but I don't see a problem with it in concept
Oh yeah, let's just shut down this site since every game has its own merits. No need to discuss anything.
More like who fucking cares.
All of them have shitty stories and the cast with a few exception of characters(Most of them aren't even playable), and the gameplay is so mind boggling easy.
I beaten P3 and literally almost done with P4 and the game still gotten good yet.
How can a fucking Mario RPG be more engaging and actual challenging than this shit? It's just sad.
>More like who fucking cares.
>Says the person who clearly cares
first persona thread? This thread will devolve into.
>p3 is shit
>actually p4 is shit
>no p5 is shit
>persona is shit play smt faggots
Not to mention we literally had this thread last night. Would be nice to have an actual persona thread without infighting but that will never be.
>All three are worth playing
>But I haven't actually played all three
>Who cares
Are you pretending to be retarded or something
2 > 4/4G > 5/5R > 3FES > 1
based retard
>All of them have shitty stories and the cast with a few exception of characters(Most of them aren't even playable), and the gameplay is so mind boggling easy.
This extends to whole SMT series, really. I will never get the appeal. They all have very similar atmosphere, characters and gameplay. Only the stories change which move at a snail's pace. Even SMTV trailer looked the same as SMT3. Same metro, same school kid, same post-apocalyptic atmosphere etc.
Best take: Atlus games are good, play Atlus games!
>N-no u
these are me
They'll all good though. 3 is better than 4 purely for its cast.
It's the objective list. P3 wasn't fun, played it through for the first time this summer after I beat Golden and Tartarus made the game much less fun. Especially the last section.
2 is the best one
Innocent Sin > P4 > Eternal Punishment > Royal > P1 > P5 > Golden > P3
why do you prefer 4 over golden?`what does 4 have that golden doesn't?
>he fell for the p2 is good meme
maybe they like vanilla voices over golden
maybe they really hate marie
The dancing games > The rest
Not really a meme when it has a better plot than 3-5.
Innocent Sin might as well be the best game in the series because it doesn't do a huge fuck up like Persona 3-5.
What did Golden add that actually made the game better?
>Thinking EP is better than IS
>When it has a worse cast
>Worse gameplay
>Has tons of plot holes
I guess. Marie feels like a p3 character which feels out of place and too edgy
>>Worse gameplay
It's literally identical, just harder
And too shoehorned, and too unlikable, and a Mary Sue
I wouldnt say she is anything like P3s characters
for me I got really used to P4 chie's voice and the new golden voice is so ear-grating and bad early on that by the time it starts sounding better it is already the end of the game. The difference in Teddies isn't as bad
>ranking IS and EP separately when they're basically two halves of the same game
>2 dimensional
Yup shes feels like a typical p3 character
Then why do retards call her waifu bait?