Choose wisely Zig Forums.
Choose wisely Zig Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>food analogy
>oblivion is the best
>only pretentious retards think morrowind is the best
>skyrim is generic and watered down to appeal to the greatest number of people
Why do mutts ALWAYS have to use food to compare things to?
>eating carbs
lmao, fatso
post body
>not generic
I’ll be waiting for Skywind and Skyblivion before I make a definitive decision.
b/c we eat while u starve
I choose none
I bet you count calories, faggot.
The the one of the left isn't a pizza, it's lasagna
oblivion had jank which correlates at a 1.5/1 ratio to soul
morrowind was ultrajank and thus not soul.
>he cant eat carbs without getting fat
>he doesnt eat one large meal a day and maintain his weight
I'm still a stick figure at 23 and weigh 140 hopefully I can keep this up
>thinking carbs cause weight gain
Spotted the Fatty
For me it's...
Post height.
Gimme a slice of each.
>soup pizza
Absolutely disgusting.
deep dish is fucking nasty shit and only retards think it's good.
Thanks OP. I'm calling a doordash right fucking now.
this that good shit. leave the casing on the ronis so they curl up like that. fuckin hell. yum.
Nice transparent image
>Nobody posted THAT webm yet
>Why yes, I'll take the cheese pizza.
>deep dish
>not even pizza
Sicilian style Pizza is the only reason I'll ever even look at a Little Cesars. They're the only one in my area that does Sicilian
>pizza cake
>skin disease
>normal pizza
not fair, Skyrim is supposed to be the worst
Deep dish is based, faggot.
>modded Skyrim
based cunny pizza
So they're both good?
>Fallout 3 is good but very overpriced and doesn't come with fries
>Fallout NV is not only good but considered a classic
I'm not letting you get away with that typo faggot.
I got you.
It's a frankenstein pizza made from other portion's leftovers
Why are those things so sexy
what the fuck is that shit on the left, thats not a pizza thats a cake made out of tomato sauce
Yes I'll have the American Pizza please
I'll play Morrowind and eat the Skyrim pizza
>Fallout 3 is better than NV
Because you're a furfag and you need to go yiff in hell with your ilk.
>Did not age well, you HAD to be there. That is a fact. Too bad for zoomies and poorfags who were unable to play earlier
>Gets points for being the most unintentionally funny game of all time
>Not very good, but mods more than make up for it resulting in Skyrim being the WINNER
Thank you, this thread can now be closed.
I deep dish actually good?
Conceptually it seems kind of disgusting but I'm intrigued.
Not only is deep dish pizza NOT better than New York pizza, it's not even pizza. It's a fuckin casserole.
>Implying Skyrim is the best
This is a bad analogy
Two good games, but two shit burger joints.
Left to right
>bland and tasteless but filling
>simple but satisfying
>visually appealing but beneath there is little to no substance
the ">REKT" always get me
>t. Whataburgerfag
For me it’s Skyrim
>american pizza
Great food analogy, oblivion is still the best.
I should have become a chef. Do fucking nothing but eat food and shout at people. I wouldn't be poor forever despite trying hard.
deep dish is the superior version and dont let any new york fags tell you different
Carbs is the biggest meme of the decade. I can’t believe you gullible idiots refuse to eat them.
>either of these heights
These posters are skeletons. Do not trust what they say!
Why are city slackers like this?
I dont even know what that is.
Do americans really?
The duality of Chad.
>City slackers
this analogy makes no sense at all. at least for the skyrim one...if anything that would have one topping and oblivion at least 2
My neo kobe pizza!
post the other one
The comparison makes more sense once you realize that the middle is your local pizza joint, and the right is Papa Johns
>Morrowind is a gigantic pile of soggy shit
Damn, nice accurate meme bruh
In-n-out is trash that californians eat because they don’t know any better.
For no exercise weight loss cutting out bread really helps.
Basedcago pizza, hotdogs are also based
I choose...
Keto is a meme since you’re just shortening the lifespan of your organs
the one with the guy wolfing down a shit load of food and dunking everything in his milkshake is gold, post that
If it prolongs the heart and brain it could be worthwhile
what is this?
Who gets takeout on a Wednesday?
Spotted the faggots
In n out is great but what people have forgotten was that it's a basic burger joint. As in it's an average, complete solid burger for cheap and nothing else
Don't have that one sadly.
I actually wonder if gay people eat like this because they have HIV and are afraid of it developing into aids from getting sick from eating with their hands.
post body