Ps5 weaker than xbox budget console
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so many pajeets shilling xbox today
No designated shitting here. Just nintendo hating on dear leader sony
Don't care, still buying ps5
Shills, yeah... it's definitely not genuine interest in the product that seems to be offering the better value.
>no games
both consoles are a waste of money until they get a dozen decent exclusives
>Just nintendo hating on dear leader sony
It's not Nintendo fans, though. I can tell when it's a Nintendo fanboy usually by how boomerish they act when they post. Xbox fanboys usually misspell the most & lie the most, unlike the average Nintendo fanboy.
It makes sense there's more pajeets advertising Xbox recently. The official prices have been announced & shitposting is common when that happens.
Exclusives will not exist in this coming generation
King Sonyroach seething. Gonna be a long week for you.
PC gamers buy consoles for exclusives. Everyone else buys consoles to play video games, and if they get exclusives that's a bonus. It barely factors into the decision. Sony's exclusives in 2013 were abysmal. They won because of price and power.
Fuck sony. Without graphics their b tier movies are nothing
I'm most excited for those day 1 purchase videos of someone buying the last console available and then taking it outside to smash in front of everyone. God those vids are great
pretty irrelevant at that point in the generation. PS3 won in the end because it was trendy and from the momentum of the exclusives it already had.
and let's not forgot this mess
PS3 flopped af
hello 2008
I for one will never understand buying a console before the exclusives come out. Or are people really that desperate to play the next FIFA on next gen even though it will most likely come to your old console too?
>PC gamers buy consoles
>Could be
How did this even pass as an article? It sounds like a gossip on those typical woman's magazine.
I actually did just for some PS4 exclusives. I regret that now.
I buy every console along with my PC
2013 was the PS4. This is the second time today somebody has thought 2013 meant PS3, weird.
It will be faster than PS5. 3.4ghz with smt and 3.6 without. In games which don't require smt it will be faster. In games that it does, ps5 has variable clocks anyway and can drop below 3.4ghz so series s will probably be faster either way.
I'm getting a PS5 and getting a 3080 this winter.
Jesus christ user you're a god damned mouth breather, he's telling you the console was flopping but towards the end of the cycle made a come back and sold right on par/slightly more than the 360, would you stop smoking weed for 1 day and drink some water, fuck
oh yes you'll need that 3080 for heavy hitting pc games such as......uh
Sonybros... it's over... we lost...
Hunt Showdown
It didnt made a come back
Best you’re gonna get is shit like Spider-Man in Avengers.
good braindead consoomer
Sold better than xbox's best selling console lmao
This user is correct
Winning a generation means having more momentum going into the next one. The PS3 didn't have more momentum than Xbox. Xbox had defined the generation with Xbox Live, Achievements, Halo, and Gears. It was the best place to play Call of Duty and GTA because it got exclusive DLC. It was the best place to play multiplatform games. Sony got credit for "fixing" the PS3 and making it a worthwhile purchase, but Xbox had gotten it right from the beginning and most people figured they would just buy another Xbox until the Xbox One fiasco.
Cope, snoygger. Xbox is for Aryans.
Also mods=jews.
With such bad graphics. How will Sony be able to present liberal trans gender game series at 4k ??
Buy a ps5 or
Switch lite +xbox s
Be a dumbass with your money or be a functioning adult. Your choice.
It outsold 360 globally though
Underpowered and gay ?
Lol Sony is done.
So, not buying any.
Switch can already be emulated, and the other two don't have any worthwhile exclusives as of yet, and if this gen is anything to go by then they won't.
Wrong. Even the Snoy shills on resetera acknowledge that the 360 beat the PS3.
>It outsold 360 globally though
But it didn't, because according to Zhuge, it..........................................yeah, I've no fucking idea what he looked at to claim otherwise.
I own a PS4, will probably get a PS5 and XSX too. Never gonna get a shitch tho.
>Switch Lite
>But it didn't, because according to Zhuge, it..........................................yeah, I've no fucking idea what he looked at to claim otherwise.
That guy is a massive Sony fan, so why would he lie about it?
>By the way this is my opinion and all I have to back it up is my record of terrible shitpostng
It didn't. Sonys 87.3m figure from 2017 was surpassed by the 360 in 2015 according to MS own figures themselves. Either that or the xbox one sold way better than we thought, because the sales were combined in the sales numbers they gave out. I think everyone here would agree the xbox one didn't sell better than we thought so it makes sense the 360 was the better seller from those sales numbers and analysts agree.
Multiplats, Xbox and Playstation exclusives, emulation, rendering memes and AI stuff depicting consolemutts as subhumans etc.