And the GOTY 2020 goes to

and the GOTY 2020 goes to...

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Doom Eternal


God what a punchable face

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Half Life: Alyx
First fully flegded VR game that isn't laughable. That being said, TLOU2 has surprisingly good AI.

Tranimal Crossing

tlou2 is going to take it, it subverted the expectations of everyone and defeated the nazi fascist homophobes. What more could you ask for n a game of the year in 2020

Who gives a shit? Award shows are a meme of glorified opinions.

No question

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>put an Ellen page look alike in your gayme
>it gets goty for the end of time
Fuck msm

It's boring, badly written garbage.

Crusader Kings 3

I genuinely can’t wait to play it in maybe 5+ years

>worse stealth and AI than TLoU2
>everything front-loaded in Act 1

not a bad game but it's very overrated at this point


post play time with timestamp please

I just finished tlou 1 and the ai is away way better in 2.

yeah the AI is really good in 2
nobody here would know tho

> worse stealth
> Implying it doesn't make it up in terms of combat and satisfying kills.

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>no mentions of Factorio
It's like this board doesn't play video games

And overall joy from playing GOT as opposed to the dread of tlou2, which after about 4 hours l really didn't want to go on.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

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Factorio has been out for years though.

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Streets of Rage 4

yes we know Zig Forumstard, say the line

combat is even more repetitive than tlou2
the only satisfying part is sheeting your sword


that game is barely better than FFXIII
gets a pass because it's based on VII

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)

only good thing were the duels

Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Your game is missing a win condition to qualify for the game awards sorry

Half-Life: Alyx.

C'mon, Half-Life 2 won it in 2004.
This is an even bigger Half-Life release than HL2. It's been in development since like, 2013. It's a masterpiece. It's gonna win.

Sadly this. Another generic call of duty zombies mode wins goty

What a shitty year in terms of games

>you have to eat shit in order to know it's shit

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you faggots say this every year, get a new hobby already

It sure did subverted my expectations for a good game

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What even came out this year aside from boringlord?

>can only think in shit


Not me i was enjoying RDR2 last year a lot and i'm still playing it online.

why do people pretend ND has good facial tech?

I don't give a fuck. If you don't like my shit analogy you can downvote me.

It has more variation and ways to deal with enemies than sekiro ever did. And it feels more satisfying in ways you body your opponent with your katana or dishonorable methods.

yeah I expected as much

Last year had Sekiro and RE2make. The fuck does this year have?

>and the GOTY 2020 goes to...
Because that's a good game I replayed again.

But i have eaten shit before.
Hello based department?

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Ok fortnite kiddo

nobody said anything about sekiro

Seethe and dilate

Zoom eternal

GoTbabbies are obsessed with comparing their assassin’s creed ubishit game with Sekiro. Like a kid with daddy issues or something.

Yeah, but I'm less inclined to make comparisons with TLOU2 since that just invites bullshit arguments.

Just go die.