And now, we wait.
Nintendo announcement thread
Other urls found in this thread:
when? where?
I'm cheering for you Groudon, go get em champ
Is this based off of any rumors? Any privated videos in any playlists? Or did you just want to rile people up?
Its nothing. Wow. Amazing.
I'm ready for nothing.
In response to a tweet HotgirlVideos69 made, saying
"How quick do you think that #SmashBrosUltimate update is coming?
Hit it below, Daddy. "
someone replied:
"11th: Announcement of presentation
14th: Presentation itself
21st: DLC Release"
That's the basis of this thread. Gay.
And also this faggot/bitch has the gall to have a Chibi-Robo avatar/banner
You got like 5 new games already. What more do you guys even want?
Updates on games like BotW 2 and MP 4, and the next SSBU character. I don't think that's unreasonable.
is that pic to imply that we will in fact get fucking nothing or actually something.
>BotW 2 and MP 4
not happening till the next full Direct and that isn't happening this year after all these smaller Directs and announcements dropped to youtube that would have been in the Direct if there was one
also, the last partner showcase said there would be at least one more partner showcase this year, and Aonuma already addressed Zelda Switch in the Hyrule Warriors video and said to wait a bit more
>next SSBU character
is plausible though
>/vp/ memes on Zig Forums
Pushdustin retweeted an old tweet of the Tales of... Twitter retweeting a NoE tweet about Lloyd Mii costume, it's happening
It’s a battle to see what we’ll get
Literally who
What is everyone waiting for?
I hope Kyogre wins.
groudonfags got btfo last leak with the mario direct dont know why yall still try
Its nothing.
so since groudon is fucking nothing and kyogre is legit info how does fug fit? it's fucking disappointing? because that's Nintendo on this fucking year
I view fug as something no one was expecting, it’s like kyogre but the leakers were wrong and its something no one expectwd
Rayquaza just tells both sides to shut up.
*becomes 4x weak to Kyogres element*
You mean immune right?
Groudon fucking sucks, one of the worst legendaries
So Bakugan?
So who won
Yes, and shit like piranha plant
holy shit he's in