Fire Emblem

>canonically has smelly feet
You did marry Constance von Nuvelle, correct?
Only you can bring back her ruined House along as well as proper heirs and happiness

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She looks cute in the marriage pic and I like her personality, but her portrait just looks like shit

Filtered and Cringe.

Attached: constancecute.jpg (400x400, 42.03K)

>You didn't choose my girl so you have shit taste!
Constancefags showing their true face.

Attached: sothisass.jpg (1200x1200, 203.41K)

There is only 1 good romance option in this game.

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>BL fujo trannies
uh huh...

Attached: marianne2.jpg (512x512, 43.93K)

Consider taking a break from 4um

Attached: __dimitri_alexandre_blaiddyd_fire_emblem_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanniiepan__sample-e80bdd08908fc114e8818b2510be3b48.jpg (850x1181, 226.76K)

>Ojousama character
>Hair drills are pathetically small
Shouldn't be allowed.