how the fuck does scout's scattergun work?
How the fuck does scout's scattergun work?
you pull the trigger and it goes pew.
you're welcome
It looks like it has a drum mag, doesn't really make any mechanical sense
The lever moves two shells instead if one
t. gun expert
doesn't that cylinder before the trigger revolve in place for two shots?
he takes the front off
By being in a game that's not as good as Dota 2!
Boston technology.
Heck of a shotgun
you're unable to hit a medic at point-blank, ever
It gives birth to new bullets every once and a while
it doesn't, h3vr fixed it though
Like a Striker shotgun but with two barrels, a lever, hidden components and a sprinkle of magic fairy dust.
Could it actually work?
>Cilinder that fits 6 shells
>level rotates the cilinder, similar to a revolver
>one firing pin for each barrel, rimfire
Just needs a hole for ejecting shells and loading new ones
The barrels are fake.
This nearly hollow on the inside, the outside surface does not imply the inside, like the barrels don't continue to make a cylinder where they are not visible.
It has a large supply of shells encased in every open space within it in a long daisy chain.
Pumping the leaver cranks the next shell into place.
When fired a little trap door opens very quickly in between the two barrels which lets out the shot, then it closes again instantaneously.
There's an ejection port on the right side
The main problem is Scout never actually loads any new shells when he reloads, he only pulls the lever to eject spent shells
scout is superhumanly fast, maybe he just loads the shells in so fast your eyes cant see it?
Well then I think it could be a real gun, I'm no expert but if the operation was different
>pull trigger fire left barrel, pull again fire right barrel
>pull lever to rotate mechanism inside the cilinder, eject the two spent shells and line up two new ones
>once the cilinder is empty load a shell and pull the lever for each one
I think it's possible
literally magic
The funny thing is this is actually the cannon explanation. Everything in TF2 that is not explainable is due to wizards according to the official blog.
>tf2 literally has no plot holes
based merasmus ex machina
FaN > all scatters
Please volvo give fan a double barrel altfire
i miss when the shortstop was good
You wanna know how the scattergun works?
Here's how it works pal
>You pull the trigger
>Bullets come out
>The bullets scatter because you are so ugly
You're welcome
>double barrel altfire
Scout would just be good Spy, get close to melee range and click for 200+ damage
I! EAT! YOUR! Force 'a' Nature
>when limescout schadenfreudes you for the 10th time
Don't make it do significantly more damage, instead make it launch people into the stratosphere.
sorry, don't know that feeling, pardner
They need to remove random bullet spread for shotguns. Enough is enough.
Sawed off shotgun. Not really that much to it.
Pure Bostonian manlet anger.
>jump into a massive group of enemies
>two shot their med and drop his uber with massive meatshots
>die instantly aftwards