3070s will be out 2 weeks before their announcement... I don't wanna wait any longer bros... Think ima just pick up the 3070...
Is there even a point to wait for the new AMD 6xxx's?
The 3070 deal is so good that even if they drop a new card at 300, the 3070 is still a good pick
Do not buy a card on launch. Do not buy a console on launch. Give it a couple months to let them work out issues if there are any.
Wait for the 6xxxx so that you can get the 3080ti
considering how "cheap" the the nvidia cards are it means they're afraid of AMD, so wait
>buy months later
>they release a new better and cheaper model in a few months later
Ty for beta testing you dipship cuck
>if you go nvidia get the 3090ti and forgot about upgrades
>if you go amd get the high end bicycle and forget about gas money
If you are a cuck, sure
>they're afraid of AMD,
Imagine actually believing anyone is afraid of AMD.
Not even Intel is afraid of AMD CPUs
i'm gonna wait for refresh (ti) cards
they're not cheap, they're just not retardedly overpriced like the 2000 series was
because they know AMD will be trouble
Nvidia is trying to outprice console for performance and fuck the public perception of the gap.
They don't give a shit about AMD.
I don't know about that. Apparently the 2000 series sold like shit.
It'd be cool if AMD came out with something neat, I'm not buying shit until everything settles down.
2080ti here I'm keeping mine til 2022 since it will be the new baseline anyway
It's worth it for dlss2 and the ai/cuda and other stuff alone that amd don't have
>I don't wanna wait any longer bros
Turing sold like fucking shit, they are selling Ampere at literally production cost to sell millions units.
They aren't afraid of AMD
They absolutely gives no fucks to AMD, they don't even aknowledge them because Nvdia knows AMD just can't do shit to them
call me when more than 3 games support it
That's entirely up to the game devs because apparently it's very easy to integrate according to NVIDIA
well call me paranoid by after watching them get booted from the console market for jewish tactics and refusing to provide proper documentation and the utter scams that were physx and hairworks, I can't say I can be completely trustful of anything nvidia claims about their tech
How well would a 3080 run AIDungeon?
>at literally production cost to sell millions units
I don't blame you because PhysX and Hairworks were awful but DLSS is actually worthwhile tech.
RTX not so much lol
The jump really isnt that big. Nvidia did a 'lets name the 3080ti a 3080 so it looks like a huge jump' trick.
A 3080 is only about 30% faster then a 2080ti, which is inline with normal generation jumps. The 2080ti was super expensive because it was new tech, with the tensor cores and ai shit so the high price was kind of normal. That the second gen is cheaper is nothing special.
T.2080ti owner who would love for the 3080 to legit destroy the 2080ti
Yes they do and they can afford to do it because they know there is no alternative
nvdia or nothing
AMD is just not viable alternative on any market but the XX50
You sold your 2080ti yet bro?
On low settings you should get 30fps.
>8gb VRAM
Enjoy being bottlenecked in one year
Maybe if you game at 4k like a NPC shill
Yes I fucking love both 4K and VR
8GB is not enough to be future-proof
Yes, if you care about 1440p and 1080p gaming. They might come out with cards that have nice price/performance
8GB is more than enough for VR but 4k is a meme
PC gaming is never future proof, clown.