It's funny because it's true kek
It's funny because it's true kek
Uh uh..
i mean the math makes sense. $1220 < $1500
ps plus is $50 a year. so 250 + 500 is 750. New graphics cards cost as much as consoles. you cant do math
Don’t forget extra controllers
>$200 difference
>Shit graphics, no mods, more expensive games, no piracy
Wow what a deal
Personally I prefer platforms with games regardless I would choose PC
>you cant do math
>50 * 7 = 250
Ok retard
I really feel conflicted when I hold the same opinion as a wojackposter
am I a retard for agreeing with a retard? or is it a falseflag to make people who hold the same opinion as me look like retards?
only retards buy 2 versions of a console (and paid online)
what a retarded and specific situation you conjured up to win the argument OP
Didn't say I support Sony. I'm posting from a PC that cost me ~$2500 what with 3 monitors, a fancy rgb keyboard and mouse, and an expensive mic. But if your budget is your primary concern, console is an ok entry into gaming.
Is it really that hard to open mspain nowadays?
I know its bait but still.
it's woJAK you retarded amerifat
Why do retards keep replying to obvious bait?
We get dozens of these threads daily.
>Wojak bad
You need to go back
>no nintendo exclusives
>no sony exclusives
sorry, but I'm not building a 1500$ oc judt to play mobas and tranny simulator
>assuming I'm american
I feel extremely offended
>3 monitors
Nice meme
>wojak good
Who said it was a meme? I got my 144hz monitor (1080p) front and center, a 60hz 1080p monitor to my right with a nice clear image, and a smaller monitor on my left. I can watch videos, play games, and fap to hentai all at once
>think about buying a console
>realize I need a TB
>look online
console gaming is a joke
Not him, but having 3+ monitors is fantastic.
Even trying to go back to 2 is hard, because you get so used to being able to watch so many things simultaneously.
>I'm not a newfag, I've been here since 2016: the post.
happy now faggot?
>wojak cancer
>Maybe they won't call me out for being a newfag if I do it first
Both of them has same console blur shit.
>for such a common image
Makes sense
You gotta be a faggot to play on console
Not to even mention emulators for actually important consoles.
>fake article
literally me