I'm afraid it's been.....
I'm afraid it's been
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This is Pequod.
Two weeks since you looked at me
>"9 minutes"
Did he transplated Boss head to Medic body or not? That would be best twist.
Five years...
Venom is big boss
Ishmael is Solidus
Is it realistic to wake up from a 9 year coma and fully recover? Also what was the real big boss/Ishmael doing with him all those 9 years? was he fine with spending 9 years straight LARPing as a patient and never taking off his bandages?
you can wake up from 40 year coma. But muscle recovery will take looong months, and not 12 minutes of game time... If brain had enough oxygen and nutrients there is no reason for brain damage.
It's not realistic to recover for so long, but they do say that they've been trying to mantain his muscle mass through various forms of physiotherapy.
i was really mad that quiet killed the good doc and nurse. really prevented me from liking her
It's not about brain damage, but about muscle atrophy, there's a point where the muscle just ends up permanently damaged from not using it.
>The true "Outer Heaven." Something created to maintain world balance. Independent of the struggles for supremacy, for personal profit, the cycles of revenge between countries.
Hold on? World balance? Freedom from the cycles of revenge, profit and supremacy, which are all the causes of war?
I thought the whole point of Big Boss's ending in PW was that he didn't peace and that instead he wanted a world where soldiers and he himself are always needed in any war, that's why he literally rejects The Boss in PW because she wanted peace, she wanted to put down her gun.
>they do therapy for Venom's muscles
>Venom looks like an anorexic disaster
>they do the same thing for BB
>BB comes out decent
They are putting it midly.
Outer Heaven is supposed to keep the world in balance by having literally the entire planet hostage.
In MG1 they are supposed to have a monopoly on nuclear weaponry.
>watching a movie for a hour then dragging yourself for 30 minutes is the first mission
I knew right away Kojima stayed the hack he is.
Bear in mind that Venom was in an artificially induced coma, they only woke him up once Big Boss was ready.
I still don't get how this didn't cause more controversy when the game came out, even though Kojimbo himself kept talking about how what you'd do in-game was incredibly taboo.
You're literally helping fucking Al Qaeda for the first half of the game.
Because back then they were brave warriors, user.
>You're literally helping fucking Al Qaeda for the first half of the game.
So did the CIA, before, during and after the Russian involvement in Afghanistan.
Hell, even Rambo III gave a shoutout to the brave boys.
Hell, Black Ops 2 has a mission where you fight along with the afghans and the chinese.
5 minutes
Dunno, there's a big 11 year gap. Only at the end of the 11th year do they suddenly have nuclear weaponry.
Which makes me think Big Boss was doing something different between TPP and that time. What it is, we'll never know.
It just means that the nuclear dissarmament ending is cannon.
>But muscle recovery will take looong months, and not 12 minutes of game time...
Venom was fucked even with the physio in the prologue, but between the prologue and first mission there's that montage of Venom going through rehabilitation.
I enjoyed this one the most, but it had the most retarded story. And that says a lot considering it's MGS
real shit?
>equates Venom and BB to be one and the same thing constantly in Twitter and interviews, not just in legend but also in person
>meanwhile Venom: "The Boss... Someday the world will no longer need us. We have no tomorrow, but we have a future. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger."
I-is...Kojima retarded? Venom wants the exact opposite of what Big Boss wants.
Venom isn't Big Boss, he acts like how he thinks Big Boss would.
He's an idealized Big Boss.
>I-is...Kojima retarded?
Kojima is, to put it simply, an egocentric megalomaniac, which is why projects from Kojipro start with ambitious plans that can't be realized (mgs4 and 3 were supposed to be open world, mgs5...) and that constantly devolve and are scaled back while being crippled and held back by stubborn can-do-no-wrong Kojima enforcing his vision, such as Kojima scrapping million and months worth of ost and work for a game that was shipped unfinished.
Like all megalomaniacs, his judgment is absolute and he is always right, no matter how hypocritical
In his games actions and events are wildy nonsensical just o follow a preestablished series of plot points. Characters behave in contrasting ways at different times, and the judgment the game (Kojima) reserves for them is just as arbitrary.
Like all megalomaniacs, he is completely devoid of self awareness: He claims the invention of genres when its career started by ripping off other stealth 2d game stealth mechanics, going through 3d games with first person shooting (during the boom of the fps era) and then to the worst open world games ever made (starting by the first half of the 2010s, during the boom of open world games).
Having nukes is bad and nuclear deterrence doesn't work, and 20 minutes later Big Boss is buildings nukes as "peacekeeper".
All his games have the protagonists that own/owned/will own a private nongovernmental military company/entity, and their cause is always righteous and they are fighting the good fight, but other's pmc are bad and war for profit is bad.
Revolver Ocelot scolds a soldier for having engravings on his Makarov since those "provide no tactical advantage whatsoever" while he uses up until the 2000's a Colt Single Action Army.
>we will wage war for war.
>we will wage war for no war.
Same energy.
>scrapping million and months worth of ost
Nigger what?
Not even fucking Hans Zimmer costs millions.
The only thing regarding songs that happened is that he kept asking Dona Burke to remake Sins of the Father.
>he acts like how he thinks Big Boss would
He was implanted with memories of BB rejecting The Boss.
Even before he was implanted with anything, he and the rest of MSF's men heard BB's speech at the end of Peace Walker that they will go in the mists of battle and never look back, something that The Boss doesn't want.
Don't be stupid. There is some sort of a paradox here, you know it.
MGS drones have literally no idea about videogame development, they've proven this daily for the past 5 years.
From their constant worship of the mediocrity that is the Fox Engine, to their idea of budgets, with ludicrous claims that ranged from blaming the 10 licensed songs it has for going overbudget (even though GTA V has almost 400 of them while having spent less than twice on the development of the game)
Never talk with MGS drones about videogames, they are beings who are ruled entirely by their rage at the fact that a videogame ended up unfinished rather than logic.
These are the same people that will pretend to care about gameplay while making it obvious that they only cared about the plot of MGS, which is at the level of Dragon Ball Z.