Why am i supposed to hate Steam again?

Why am i supposed to hate Steam again?
>"m-muh 30% cut"
They could be taking 90% from the publishers for all i care.

Attached: steam_stats.0.jpg (1200x800, 49.51K)

People want you to hate anything they dislike these days. Fuck everybody and their opinion. Like what you like.

Okay so i was going to Make a new opening post, but will post it here.

So i came here from reddit recently and see a lot of hate for EGS. I don't get it, they are doing a lot to help the PC industry. I mean sure valve did before but they no longer do anything to help PC gamers.

Meanwhile EGS is putting in practices to make sure PC gaming looks like a viable market. So why the hate? Shouldnt we support EGS with our money?

No because they are literally chinese owned and spyware on their stuff as well as scummier than steam.

That's some funky cognitive dissonance.

No its an american owned company just like Steam. The owner and the company is ran in america.

How is it spyware? Most of the stuff is the same as valve and google and stuff like that. Plus you do not have to install the launcher

>Meanwhile EGS is putting in practices to make sure PC gaming looks like a viable market
But it is a viable market.
He isn't wrong.

I would have no problems with epic if they stopped doing the paying a shitload of money for exclusives.
It was unhealthy for the console market and it is unhealthy for the pc market.
Competition is fine, if they offered a better service I would consider using it.
But not so long as they throw money at devs to get exclusives.

>>"m-muh 30% cut"
This is literally a Tim Sweeney talking point that has been taken up by his 50 cent army. Ignore the Epic shills.

you're the consumer. none of the online distribution faggotry applies to you with their developer/publisher cuts and butchering of the english language.
just shop for the best deal that benefits you personally which will also include saying fuck everyone time to pirate.

but what the fuck would i know i come from a backwards universe.

Attached: bizarro2.gif (410x229, 32.6K)

tell that to companies that wont port their games. Many Companies think PC is pirate central and Tim is making sure it looks like they will make actual profits on it to ensure we get games

its not the same dummy.. You can still run those games on your PC. Locked to a seperate console /=/ only on egs

It's spyware that does things like scans all your hard drives and sends a list of all the executables found to Valve so they can sell it to data mining companies. Apart from that it's mostly just kind of a minor nuisance.

Because they are helping "the industry", ie the developers, publishers, but they aren't helping consumers.
Having multiple distribution platforms is by nature inconvenient for gamers, but it can be tolerated if there is actual competition. But EGS doesn't offer that, it's not like they are passing on savings to gamers, or providing a better service than steam. There entire marketing pitch is "we are helping the devs!", but devs don't pay for games, and most gamers don't give a shit about how much cut devs get, only how much they have to pay.

But user consider the developers. Think of all the women and minorities you will be hurting.

>Think of all the women and minorities you will be hurting.

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being lazy is your own fault. That's like saying grocery stores are a problem because why shouldnt they air mail you your food.

You are right devs don't pay for games, neither do gamers. Publishers do. By ensuring profits they help Publishers see whats viable. Next they help gamers (especially poor ones) by giving free games, coupons, and sales.

>That's some funky cognitive dissonance.
No it is not.

>literally chinese owned

A 5 second google search shows that this is false

>$1 has been deposited into your steam wallet

Speaking of buying games, wonder if this deal will return to EGS? I kinda don't want to waste my coupon, if I could chain it to another one. But perhaps the next sale won't even arrive before these expire? (Or maybe they won't run a campaign like this anyway...)

Attached: EpicCoupon.png (615x525, 262.56K)

Probably during their Christmas sale. It seems they do the coupons twice a year (winter and spring/summer).

Honestly I find no reason to use Steam.
You don't even own your game because you need to always be online.
The store is always filled with garbage indies or ports.
Not to mention it's Spyware as well. Just pirate the shit if you wanna play it. I

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Yeah, that's at least a good guess... I'm thinking of getting Control's ultimate edition, or perhaps the Season Pass for Snowrunner.

They allow problematic meme games instead of going fully tranny. I don't remember them forcing faggot shit down peoples throats either. Very problematic.

Attached: 1573397105870.jpg (817x812, 40.22K)

>many companies
The companies that count think it's worth it
>Tim is trying to
Tim is trying to build good faith so he can grow his store to Steam's size for profit. He doesn't give a shit about the developer. He's in it for money. At least valve is honest about that.

even if you are correct. what is wrong with him building good faith. that is how buisness works

Valve gives no fucks and allows literal tranny games (Tell Me Why) alongside shit like this. It's the best policy.

Attached: Ef8sFJ8U0AMeGEh.jpg (1909x879, 202.33K)

Literally 40% of Epic is owned by Tencent, which is the right arm of the chinese government.
2% is enough to have significant sway over the direction of a company, 40% makes Epic basically a chinese asset.

Fuck you faggot redditor, I'll bite.

Valve has done more for linux development than any other vidya company.

Epic, on the other hand, locks linux players out of online multiplayer games that they dont even develop with easy anti cheat. On top of that, their fucking store doesnt even support linux at all without having to launch it through wine.

Also theyre owned by the chinese and are grandstanding acting like theyre better than apple or google. God fuck epic.

Did you fail business in school by any chance?

You can launch Steam offline.

>Why am i supposed to hate Steam again?

Steam itself is DRM, you dont own your games and you can't resell them.

Sure it is. But I don't have to believe in the good faith when I already get what I want from valve. If Tim got off his high horse and make the EGS less shitty then I might give the platform my time.

>Valve spends 15 years fighting against consumer rights in international courts to deny people refunds
>meanwhile, chuds: "wow Valve are so kind to us PC gamers"

>So i came here from reddit
go die in a ditch

go back to Zig Forums retard

>i came here from reddit recently
Go back.