What the fuck happened???

What the fuck happened???

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What the fuck do you mean? GF was always great designing girls and is the only thing that they still can do well.

Didn't they get a new artist to do the trainers? It's why they look so different from previous games.
Also this same artist is also doing a death game made by the guy who made Danganropa.

allister got too many wives

This game needs more barefoot girls

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I know that Marnie was the only human character designed by Omura, so they aren't all by one designer.

What do you mean? The character designs are basically the only good things about SW/SH.

>a pajeet
But why

Because it's cute when it's 2D.

Cause it's set in UK

I see numerous semen demons

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Most people still interested in pokemon at this point want to jack off more than they actually want to play pokemon

> gym leaders manage to have distinct outfits despite nominally wearing a uniform, a good example of creativity shining through under constraint
> meanwhile game freak's game designers/coders can't even be bothered to put all the fucking Pokemon in, showing blatant refusal to hold to any of the constraints that initially made Pokemon's premise promising
It's an abstract kind of feel.

>lesbian sexual predators

Nothing wrong, Never played pokemon sword/shield but i strangled my snake to bea so many times i cant even count

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there are people out there who defend their purchase just because the game had cute girls on there
like, what are you even supposed to do with that? it's not like the game will let you romance them. unless you just want to stare at their beautiful 3D models for countless hours

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Why are they looking at him like that?

>sword and shield sucked ass

at least there was some saving grace with some waifus

There's no pajeets there though.

That's the worst part though
Gamefreak has learned that they can make an ungodly game as long as they had qt girls

I guess that's a good thing if you're a coomer

GF's been pouring a lot of creative resources into character designs that are iconic now a days over simply just investing in a large batch of pokemon. Ideally, I can see why too: you make these characters for a generation that are well designed and iconic and then will likely never have to keep porting their assets until the end of time like with the actual pokemon. It's why you also have seen less new pokemon each generation since gen 6. Though it also feels like they started going hard on iconic characters around gen 5, since a lot of the characters from that gen are depicted in fan art constantly. Hell, Rosa is practically the poster girl of the entire gen to some people.

Also, you have to keep in mind that people will come to become big fans of the characters and will want to see them return. You can milk that nostalgia cashcow hard with cameos in future games. BW2 and SM/Ultra did that a lot

Racist incels still think anime girl light skin = white, even though the default is asian.

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the only fappable girl to come out of gen 8 is gloria
gen 7 still holds the record

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I want all of them sitting on my face

>Tfw no bitchy Clara wife

how would you rank them?

Asians are white you dummy.

Bea is also fappable, Barefoot and tomboy is a good combination

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barefoot brown girls are my cryptonite dear lord

MILF > everyone else

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Not having all the Pokemon would be fine if it wasnt just and excuse to sell their SECOND transfer service that you still need the first to actually use.
The wild area should have been a fucking open world hub instead of a hallway. There's no reason the first three gyms shouldn't have been doable in any order. The mines are right next to them for the story beat, they have badge scaling literally in the game, and as it is now the wild area is pointless because even joining a fucking raid is a slog because they fucked up the online so much.
God I miss XY, can you believe people are even saying this?

He'll be a real ghost after she crushes him with her tighs

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Yes, Take. Most people were probably first exposed to her character designs through Katanagatari. I thought the Pokemon characters were looking increasingly like that even before I knew she was working on them.

I'm very excited for Worlds End Club since it's basically entirely written by Uchikoshi and Kodaka is just directing. Hopefully will be as good as Somnium Files and 999/VLR.

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