Why do people say Byleth had no emotions?

why do people say Byleth had no emotions?

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Because that was the entire point of the character you retard. There are multiple occasions where characters in game bring up that Byleth always has a blank stare.

but she shows emotions and cries

It's mostly that Byleth has no personality.

she is pure

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never had a normal life besides fighting so he's a blank stare socially.

Getting sad once or starting to occasionally smile doesn't make up for them having zero personality and being near mute and emoteless.

She was extremely emotionless outside of certain scenes. But she wasn't completely devoid of it.
Sitri > Byleth.

Yeah and every time that happens people point out how out of character it is. It's used to show how emotional the events are supposed to be that even an emotionless husk can react to them. What are you trying to prove here?

How so?

>non canon gender

Frogleth was a mistake.

frogleth is better than a generic male self insert

Whenever I see male Byleth I think of Akariss.

she is a virgin

Why do people think this goblin prostitute is pretty?

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He always reminded me of Ephraim instead

Yeah, he has a similar look to him now that you mention it. But Akariss at least is just as devoid of emotion when he speak as Byleth.

she has a pretty face and welcomign features. She has the vibe of the super hot girl that would still give a loser like you a chance

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tea parties make no sense if byleth is a guy unless he's a poofer

except she is the protagonist, not a potential romantic partner
you can't play as her if you have a crush on her

How does mail Byleth react?


She is a generic female self-insert.

absolutely wrong. By playing as her you can protect her chastity and not let other men have her so you keep her pure for yourself.

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that's literally what she is

I self-inserted as Sylvain.


He cries too but its a little more subtle

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id rather have a girl crying over me when i die than some faggot tranny twink

She lacks hatred.
Kisume, we're leaving.

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It's okay, you won't have children so no one will cry over you anyway

i already have 2

pics or gtfo
Dads don't exist on the internet
>inb4 'woman'

im not sending you pictures of my kids you pedo faggot

You people only give a fuck about this character because she's cute and you can jack off to her

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