

Attached: fg.webm (1020x574, 544.68K)

>op trying his thread about a dead game again because the last one died to nobody wanting to talk about a dead game

this is sad dude

If you're not hacking in Fall Guys by this point you're playing the game wrong.

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What is it with ex-commie nations like Russia and China and cheating in video games?

and the majority is prob chinks

>If you can cheat then cheat
Chink saying

t. ESL

it's dead because cheaters retard

Why is China so unbelievably horrible?

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is this game basically rng?

>paying to use your own online


This was funnier than I expected

based, china numba one

1.4billion Chinks is a few too many

Jesus christ kid, go to school, your english sucks

amerifats cry while china wins again

doesn't surprise me one bit

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>buying a game to be bullied by chinks

you spelled winning wrong

its so pathetic to open a game just to hold w until you win
imagine actually spending your time on that and being the sort of person that is entertained by it

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t. UOL

Why even save that as an image? Why not save it as a .txt and upload it someplace public damn man.

I guess Chinese aren't really into doing anything that requires even a bit of mental exercise.

Mate you posted a fucking dissertation on a site where most posts are a short sentence. You cant expect anybody to read that shit.

just because you're a stupid zoomer with ADHD doesn't mean everyone is, chang.

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You expect anyone to actually read all that shit

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thank god i play this on ps4


I aint reading your essay, ese

so many dumb anons projecting today. I don't expect anyone to read shit but if people are curious they are free to read.

>7 million sold
>barely 110k still playing

Its their right to cheat

Isn't the game multiplat?

I feel the game only appeals to people who enjoy watching speedruns, love LOLSORANDOM XD moments or just want to be horrible to other strangers online like Minecraft griefers or something. You're obsessed about taking the tightest route to the goal, having fun getting ruined by physics or random chance or intentionally trying to ruin someone's day. I feel like you can't play Fall Guys casually just for fun.

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Wait really? The fuck china?

You don't know what that term means.

>all that text
the left can't meme

Post the full image, coward

Nobody is reading your manifesto, kyle.
Now carry on shooting your school or whatever

That 7 million is sold copies, which means steam since it was given away freely on the only other platform it's on.

You're projecting that you're an idiot who can't be bothered to read things because words are hard and acting as if everyone is a spoonfed retard like yourself, when there are plenty of lurkers who just read and not post. kys zoomer.

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The all-time concurrent peak is 170k

>everything that I get bored of is dead + other zoomer secrets! Number 6 will surprise you

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it will not surprise me, actually
i am immune to surprises and tricks of all kinds

"I feel" "I feel". What the fuck does playing it casually even mean? As opposed to what? Fucking pro play? It's a multiplayer lobby platformer you dumb mother fucker. Zoomers can't enjoy anything without being told why and how. Smarten up faggot

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Projecting would imply I also didn't consider those traits to be applicable to my self. Yes, I said no one would read your image, but I also admit that I won't either.
All these posts you've made and you still haven't bothered to sum up your novel.