Choose one.
Choose one
All of them
For what?
Whoever lands on my dick first
Which one is into anal? That one
Choose one that will pee on you
Tifa because I'm not homosexual.
for me its FFAC tifa
I love Tifa, but the other girls are great too.
Tifa and only Tifa, always
Like theres even a chance I'd pick a dead girl or a child
This board is beyond saving and so is this website tbqh
>implying it was ever good
So the least I can do is post best girl
It used to be good before newfags ruined everything like they always do
Yuffiebros, assemble.
They're going to ruin her aren't they?
But if I'm forced to choose from those three, then Tifa
what're you fuckin gay? how is this even a question? it's tifa all day every day
I'm always afraid to tell FF7 bros to migrate to /vrpg/ for FF7 discussions because it's likely to invite the usual Zig Forums cancer, but at least right now you'll have much better quality threads than here.
Everyone on /vrpg/ says they only use Zig Forums for shitposting these days.
Too bad "he" posts in these threads too. It was comfy while it lasted at least...
Jimbo isn't even the problem, it's the anti-remake fags who fuck up everything. Pic related was another case of a fun thread until around the +400 post mark it turned into yet another circlejerk of the same 3 guys regurgitating the same old "sales bad", "reviews bad", "kek remake sux" until the thread landed on page 10. It's so fucking tiresome.
Jimbo is a complete fucking mentally ill faggot. You can't have a proper discussion about the remake or og ff7 because if you happen to mention compilation he will do everything possible to ruin the discussion by using the most schizophrenic ways like false flagging, acting as both remake fans and haters and I'm just scratching the surface.
I was in this thread and I posted a lot in it too, it was mostly comfy until he started being disingenuous and retarded as usual.
Nah, the party has been handled extremely well in the Remake so far. If anything, she'll be better because of the increased focus on Wutai plus we'll actually see meaningful interactions between Yuffie and the rest of the party. The writers just need to keep that asshole nature of hers when she joins the party.
Why? the other characters were fine.
And before you mention Kyrie and her design, she was like that in novel, they never changed her design in the remake. So pretty much Yuffie should stay mostly the same.
The only thing that i would worry if i was a yuffiefag would be the unbuttoned shorts. Her tummy or legs are fine, thats why i mention Kyrie and her underage nature.
If every character gets the same treatment that Cloud and Co got then I might actually care for Cid and the others for once. My problem, aside from him being a cursing bitch, is that he joined the party way too late and had no interaction with the group at all. Same for Yuffie, Vincent and Cait Sith. I never really care for any of them because they've been sidelined so hard in the OG. It's all about Cloud/Barret/Tifa/Aerith. Nanaki can fuck right off too because he's a stupid dog a the voice actor in the Remake makes me hate him even more.
>Nanaki can fuck right off too because he's a stupid dog a the voice actor in the Remake makes me hate him even more.
fuck you red is best dog
Aerith's personality and head with Tifa's body and Yuffie's shorts.
>Rockin tits
>Works out
Yuffie is best girl.
You could've at least attempted to make this a tough decision
I cant wait to see Yuffie in 2025 when that game is a ps6 release title!
These games are gonna be scrapped before thy hit disc 3 in 10 years
I enjoy Tifa's tits, but I appreciate Yuffie's belly.
kill /fuck /marry
I choose 2. Tifa and Aerith. Yuffie has the sex appeal and personality of a graffiti on a garbage can.
Yuffies exposed midriff...home
Seriously. Red is great so far. How the fuck do people hate him?
You're right. Too many shit taste Remake cucks in FF7 threads.
Not enough based remakebros itt
I mean, they ruined Tifa, Cloud, and Jessie. Why would Yuffie be any different.