

Attached: 25779514-8814-426C-8C05-E906D03A702E.png (590x587, 118.35K)

Coooooool, so huh.... a PS5 please.

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You faggots never learn.

On default HD res
And borderline NO RTX features

No but the SeS is stronger than One X tho because RDNA 2, dude trust me.

>another sony cope thread

Just imagine a poor mom or grandma trying to figure this bullshit out for their little baby.

What fucking audience is Microsoft aiming at with this shit? Quantum physicists?

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Nice hotplate

Moms don’t care about BC dumbass. They don’t even know what that is. They look at $299, see it’s the newest console and buy it.
Cashier will say you just download the games.

Y-Yeah these plebs don't understand 4K is a magical resolution that must be unlocked by a secret switch inside the console and there's no other way of getting there. The XseS lacks that switch, they have no idea HOW EMBARASSING! Didn't they read the PR? IT'S ONLY A 1440pee MACHINE FOR GOD'S SAKE!! It can't even run Space Invaders in 4K it would be impossible!

How could the XseS pooooossibly render original Xbox and 360 games at 4K even though the XboneX could? They even discontinued XboneX because the XseS is better in every way possible, except for this thing for some reason but who caaaares!

console war faggots who are more attached to a brand than anything else.

>next gen
>can't run games as well as last generation


>they wont be able to tell teh difference between the two xboxes
>they'll be able to tell the difference between the physical and digital only PS5's

really making me think right now bro

then arrest snowflake.

Series S looks shittier and shittier every

>What fucking audience is Microsoft aiming at with this shit? Quantum physicists?
PCFags, because after 20 years Microsoft STILL doesn't understand that consoles aren't PCs.

That's quite the clickbait without the important information.

Buy a PS5 if you care about the exclusive (I don't)
Build a PC instead of buying Xbox since it's exclusives will be on there anyways.

every what user? Respond, shittier every what? user?

Cool what’s a PC build that’s like Series X for $500




>Thinking IGN is a good source for news

This is just an anti xbox post and it´s fucking baffling how they are so bold to post something like that, i{m actually amazed.

There isn't one, save money.
That's why I said if you care

better yet, do you want 1080@120 fps or would you prefer 4k@60fps?

Might actually get one a few years down the track. I can see it being a big seller might even be enough to offset the huge losses of the SeX.

Product is too confusing

Will buy competitor product instead

Do you live paycheck by paycheck? If so stop being a retard and save your precious $500.

Why can’t they just say it won’t run them in 4K? That’s basically the same thing.

Attached: 7ED9DA37-2C9F-4845-9631-59394970C906.jpg (394x523, 37.94K)

you are a

Pretty much like when Don Mattrick said to buy a 360 instead of an Xbone.