Hello, I am the best 3D Mario game.
Hello, I am the best 3D Mario game
Whoops, wrong pic.
How can he be the best 3D Mario when doesn't even have a 3D Slider?
>Never the game
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of its platform comfort even when Miyamoto threw millions at it
>Was never a good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the ‘00s
>Its buy rate tanked so hard Nintendo ran away from Sandbox Mario for over a decade
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the GCN because it was never a big enough deal
>Only the 7th best 3D Mario game
>Only the 63rd best Nintendo GCN game
>Its story/cutscenes were cringeworthy
>its ugly yellow watergun was cringeworthy
>Shit level design
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Ninthings crowd so badly it was reduced to a bonus game in Mario 3D All-Stars which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 GCN games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 18 years
>Drew so poorly in 2002 that Metroid Prime of all games had to take the spotlight off it
>spent the latter part of its career buried by superior 3D Mario games
>The biggest impact it had on the business was lighting a fire under Nintendo’s ass that then made a vastly superior 3D Mario game and its sequel on Wii
No, faggot. 64 and Odyssey. Take your pick.
holy kek
yes indeed
shut the fuck up bitch
I haven't played either but I played all the other 3d Mario games and Sunshine is the best one of those.
Can't wait for 3D All Stars and more people realizing Sunshine is garbage.
Sunshine is literally “want to play old game but remember that part”: the game
How the fuck have you not played either?
>64 has more worlds
>Galaxy 1 & 2 have more interesting gimmickd
>Odyssey properly uses its titular mechanic
>3D Land and 3D World have better platforming
Only thing Sunshine does better than the others is world building.
All the 3D Mario games are solid platformers that do their own thing. There is no definitive 'best' one.
Its not like Sonic where the best 3D game is objectively Adventure 2.
I had an n64 but surprisingly mario 64 was the only popular n64 game i didn't have idk why.
I never got a switch.
mario sunshine would be top dog if it didn't inconsistently have really shitty missions
there's only a few, if they were simply cut out then the overall product would be better
There are only like 5 horrendous levels and they're all optional unless you're going for 100%. Same with blue coins. Just skip "that part."
>you now realize that mario 3d is a shitty franchise
>Great vibes
>Awesome music
> Increased movement options
>Cohesive theming for areas
>Inconsistent difficulty
>Big focus on non-platforming
>Strict starlocked progression to complete game, optional stars meaningless
From memory none of the other 3D marios suffer from these cons to any meaningful extent except you might take issue with the linearity of some of them
My perfect 3D Mario would take the freedom of 64, the cohesive theming and beautiful music of Sunshine/Galaxy, the difficulty of Galaxy 2, the movement of Odyssey and maybe some co-op play like 3D World
Nintendo could have taken a shit in a Gamecube case and as long as you were 10 years old when you first played it, it would be your favorite Mario game.
*blocks your path*
fuck this year, fuck everything, i just want to bing bing wahoo in peace
I'd rather have the movement of sunshine, but fair enough.
I'm more of a Sunshine guy but looking back at what Galaxy had to offer I admit it's probably the best 3D Mario game.
Nah I don't agree
get lost, gramps
>Its not like Sonic where the best 3D game is objectively Adventure 2.
Talk about bad opinions, stop playing SADX
Not even remotely true, and I'm sick of this recent Sunshine movement.
Based af
64 and Galaxy have Just as many shit missions. Problem is some of them are mandatory in Sunshine Because of the weird requirement to fight bowser. Also thanks to that structure bonus stars/blue coins are completely pointless and each play through is exactly the same