Eekum Bokum


Why copy the same message from the other thread?

>making the same threads repeatedly about anime let's players which get deleted nearly every time
What's your endgame? What's the motive? Is this related to some discordfag group?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x272, 1.66M)


Ok, you know what? Maybe these threads are because of a vtuber. Which begs the question, why do vtubers cause this much retardation? Not everything PewDiePie does gets a million threads about it.

Back to /jp/ with you

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It's almost like you forgot this place is worse than reddit

>vtuberchads on the right
>everyone else on the left

Attached: 1595400399367.jpg (4209x2976, 1.89M)

bro... thats banjo kazooie... fuckin zoomers man

>thread moved to /trash/
>instantly set up a new thread
Is this a discord operation? Because that seems to be the only explanation. Either way, you know your place, back to moeshitter

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