Eekum Bokum
Why copy the same message from the other thread?
>making the same threads repeatedly about anime let's players which get deleted nearly every time
What's your endgame? What's the motive? Is this related to some discordfag group?
Ok, you know what? Maybe these threads are because of a vtuber. Which begs the question, why do vtubers cause this much retardation? Not everything PewDiePie does gets a million threads about it.
Back to /jp/ with you
It's almost like you forgot this place is worse than reddit
>vtuberchads on the right
>everyone else on the left
bro... thats banjo kazooie... fuckin zoomers man
>thread moved to /trash/
>instantly set up a new thread
Is this a discord operation? Because that seems to be the only explanation. Either way, you know your place, back to moeshitter