Sony & nintendo

>sony & nintendo
>make good games
>sell hardware
>attract customers

>*shares exlusives with PC making console obsolete*
>*next-gen games held back by cross gen on Xbox One*
>*first party games held back by being monetized, live-service trash*
>"b-but sCaLaBiLIty"
>*no japanese support*
>unreliable Gaymes Ass that continuously loses games
>confusing nomenclature and messaging

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Other urls found in this thread:

still buying a series s

Still not buying any of it.

Still getting a Series X. The games look good. I hope you enjoy the ones Sony makes, user. Try not to be so angry all the time, it shortens your life.

>series x
patrician and redpilled
>series s

yeah yeah still not voting trump btw

>if we co opt the Zig Forums meme we might actually convince people to buy a shitbox

Could you explain your decision? Why would you willingly buy the inferior model when the Series X exists? Unless, you genuinely can't afford a Series X, but even then, they have a monthly payment plan to make the Series X affordable for you.

I'm just memeing man
I'm an idort so I'll probably wait a while before getting anything if at all
3900x + 1080ti serves me well

Gamepassbox for people who don't give a shit about exclusives or building PC and just wants to play mulitplats.

>microsoft never made good games

Name 10 from this last generation

Halo. That's it.

>age of empires is now a bad game

I already have a switch lite, a PS4 pro, an Xbox one x, a PS2 slim with freemcboot, Gaymen PC, PS1, and an original Xbox. Still getting a PS5. Niggers.

>rebuy PS2 classics for the 4th time goy instead of free backwards compatibility
this is your brain on snoy

>Monthly plan
>More affordable
Monthly plans cost the same if not more. Splitting a large sum over a long time doesn't make it smaller, it just makes it persistent. You shouldn't do that. You should pay for things up front. If you split everything over extended periods of time, you'll find the payments stacking and eating at your income constantly, preventing you from saving money. Money that could be used to buy big stuff.
Try to minimize your subscriptions and split payments. Pay for stuff up front. See with your eyes that your saved money allows for optional purchases. If it doesn't, you shouldn't be spending money anyway. Allow money to accumulate in your bank account, then you'll be able to buy bigger stuff like a car or a house.
Don't fall for "for the price of a cup of coffee each day!" schemes. That money stacks.
t. Jew.

I just want the PS2 era back

>>sony & nintendo
>>make good games
Movies user, M.O.V.I.E.S

Me too user, me too.

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Xbox's backwards compatibility is limited too, just not as much.

>Bad Sony news
>Immediate thread shitting on xbox
Sony ESL Poojeets are so easy to spot

Cuckbox is unironically fucked. No wonder ESL shills are seething so hard.

Is that so?

Except I think the xbox payment plan is actually worth it.
You end up paying less over the 2 year period and end up owning it over two years.
>The Xbox Series S is where the savings really kick in, though. Normally, buying the Xbox Series S and 2 years of Game Pass Ultimate would cost you around $658.76. With Xbox All Access, though, you could pick up the Series S on a monthly payment plan, totaling out to around $599.76 after the two years is up. That’s a $59 savings, which you can then use to buy a new game that you’ve been looking forward to.

to everyone outside of Zig Forums? yes.

>make good games

They're good enough. Better than Crackdown 3 and Grounded

MS should have done what they did on 360 and allow SOME games on pc but not literally ALL of them.
Ideally they should have none of their games on pc at all.

>seething this much
cope harder snoy

>makes good games
Stopped reading there

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The it is afraid meme suits perfectly for you, snoynigger