Game features “dragons”

>game features “dragons”
>play it
>they’ actually wyverns
Why is this allowed?

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Wyverns are cool, dragons are gay.

They are made up

Dragon's Dogma got it right.

I bet their pussy looks the same.

>This thread again
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

haha he referenced a meme guys!!

what did he reference?

dragon/wyvern semantic autism is the epitome of people who have more time than sense.

Wyverns are dragons so fuck you.

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No, wyverns have four limbs (2 legs 2 wings) while dragons have 6 (4 legs 2 wings)

Because D&D isn't some kind of high fantasy law that everyone must abide by. The definitions for both vary depending on which culture depicted them and predate D&D differentiation by centuries to millennia.

These threads have been here for 15 years.

Doesn't change the fact that a wyvern IS a type of dragon.

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>game has dogs
>they're actually huskies
that's how you sound

Nobody even knows what the fuck d n d is

>Zig Forums can be at least consistent with liking flying lizards
And that's a good thing.

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Wyverns are handicapped dragons. They suffer from
>Being manlets
>Didn't have all its legs at birth
>Lacks mature features of adult dragons
>Lacks intelligence
>Does not kidnap princesses
Wyverns are dragons, but they're inbred disabled retards. They had horrible luck, and two deformed dragons just happened to shag and create the mistake that wyverns ended up being.

The only reason any fantasy vidya and RPGs followed that rigid criteria in the first place is because all the early ones used D&D as a frame of reference or other table-top game that also used it as a frame of reference.
There's no actual reason to adhere to it.

Ok so western depictions of dragoms have 4 limbs and 2 wings and skyrim is a game based off Western mythological ideas made in the west. Why are the dragons wyverns?

Have sex

Easier to animate. Take note that the chaurus, giant mutant insects, have only four limbs. Skyrim's dragons also have four limbs.

Says who? An old book written by Gary Gygax? Try looking at some medieval descriptions. Dragons came in lots of forms, 2 legs, 4 legs, no legs.

This is a wyvern

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>""""western"""" mythology
There isn't even consistent depiction between Norse and Celtic dragons you stupid coon. Stop arguing about rules that don't actually exist.

This is a dragon

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No, that's a dragon. The MonHun dragons are just really big monsters, just like how Skyrim's dragons are just really homosexual wyverns.

This is also a dragon

Attached: BoF_Ryu_Artwork.png (340x402, 247.92K)

This is an alien

Attached: FFXIV-Lhistoire-de-Bahamut-Bahamut.png (1920x1090, 894.05K)

same reason dark elves aren't evil elves and dwarves and catmen are also elves.

>game features “dragons”
>play it
>they’re actually wyverns
>jerk off to them anyway

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But that's a summoned monster who is based on an alien

>this thread
This is a dragon retards

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Not all fantasy universes have the same rules. Dragons having four legs isnt a universal thing. Neck yourselves